by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-sellers: The Truth About Six Pack Abs , The Fat Burning Kitchen , The Truth about Testosterone & The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging
3 Veggies that FIGHT Abdominal Fat (how this certain class of veggies combats xenoestrogens)
The #1 WORST food for your skin, joints & blood sugar (This is as bad or worse than sugar)
7 "fatty" foods for a flat stomach (these high fat foods help you to burn belly fat)
Drink THIS first thing in the morning (for better digestion, more energy, and a metabolism boost)
Red wine and your GUT? (interesting study results)
The #1 MOST harmful food for your brain? (beware of this)
3 "Healthy" Foods that you should STOP eating (these are killing you, yet remain 67% of most people's calories)
The TRUTH about egg yolks (why whole eggs are BETTER for weight loss than egg whites; plus the cholesterol story)
1 Unique spice that reduces stomach fat (in an indirect way)
The "healthy" food that DAMAGES your heart (do you eat this daily?)
The top 20 food RULES to get lean and healthy for life
These 4 foods accelerate AGING in your body (avoid these common foods if you want to look younger!)
These CEREALS destroy your hormones, ZAP your energy, and CAUSE weight gain (they're not so "healthy and wholesome" after all!)
The biggest misunderstanding about the Paleo Diet (what the critics don't understand)
The Salad Dressing to NEVER Eat
Warning: do NOT use these cooking oils!
The DIRTY Truth About Canola Oil
Drink this 2 hours before bed to sleep better
My Top 55 Flat-Belly Foods
Coffee: 3 Tricks to Make it Super Healthy
The Top 10 Super-Spices that BOOST Your Metabolism
You can sign up to Mike Geary's FREE Nutrition Watchdog Newsletter inside the box below:
Free e-Report for Visiting Today (a $17.95 value) Just enter your first name and email below and the Free report will be instantly emailed to you. Inside, you'll discover:
Be sure to check your "bulk", "junk", or "spam" folders, as emails occasionally get mistakenly filtered. Don't worry, your email will NEVER be sold or rented. I hate spam as much as you do. I wouldn't risk my reputation. |
The TRUTH about Six Pack Abs Video presentation is below for both men and women:
In the FREE presentation below, you'll find:
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Men Click Here for your FREE presentation with important tips to start losing your belly fat and carving out ripped six pack abs. |
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5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs
1. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.
2. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.
3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I'll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that produce 10x better results below.
4. You DON'T need to waste your money on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills or other bogus supplements. I'll show you how to use the power of natural foods in more detail below.
5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that "ab contraption"... they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Again, you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.
Women Click Here to discover several unique scientifically PROVEN techniques for losing belly fat and getting a tight flat stomach like hers. |
Men Click Here to learn the REAL secrets for losing stomach fat and getting lean ripped 6-pack abs like his. |
Want to read an amazing case study of mine that got ripped six pack abs? This is very inspirational and I'm extremely proud of Alex for his results: How Alex lost 36 lbs of body fat, built lean muscle, and got six pack abs for the first time.
More Testimonials from Truth about Six Pack Abs users are below:
"Hi Mike
I was searching for a program to genuinely help me lose body fat and get a six pack. I came across your website and the money back guarantee you offered suggested to me that you believed in what you were offering & not just interested in selling your e-book. Anyway, I made the purchase on the basis that I'd give it a try and if it wasn't any good I'd ask for my money back.
Before I started with the program I weighed 80kg and my waist size was 42 inches. After 11 weeks I still weigh about 80kg but my waist size is now 35 inches. A loss of 7 inches in 11 weeks! Since my weight stayed about the same, that means I gained muscle while losing 7 inches of fat from my waist!
My strength and energy are also improving each week and I'm lifting heavier weights as I progress. Family and friends that haven't seen me in weeks can't believe how much leaner and slimmer I look now.
I'm really glad that I bought your e-book and stuck to the programs. I still have a little more body fat to lose, but I can already tell that a visible six pack is just a few more weeks away!
Thank you for all the advice and words of motivation. This entire experience is far more than what I was expecting for my money!"
Imtiaz Girach, UK
"Hey Mike, I am thirty nine years old, 182 cm and before weighing 107kg. Reading the truth about six pack abs has completely changed my life, not just physically but mentally also. My outlook on life has changed also. I started to read it because I was overweight and had a high cholesterol level, so something had to be done, otherwise I was advised by the Doctor I could develop serious problems in the near future.
After reading the book first, before starting any exercises, I followed the eating plan only for about six months, and followed it to the letter, no exceptions. I was amazed how much weight I lost, I lost weight in the bad areas, stomach, neck, chin and obliques, I felt great and looked a lot younger, my enthusiasm suddenly increased and I no longer felt lazy about everything in life, I was more motivated to do a lot more for once in my life than just sit on the couch and watch rubbish on television.
The second step was to start the exercises, since I was more than half way to achieving my goal, this was more fun than I thought. I started off slow and increased as my fitness levels got better. I now exercise three days a week using mainly the exercises in Mike's book, I also do a little strength training like pull ups and tricep extensions just to boost my muscular strength. I have been doing so for only two months and have had great results, I have not got a six pack stomach as yet, but my stomach is flat and I am so confident that it is only a matter of short time since all the hard work has been achieved to get rid of the bulge I once called a stomach.
I now weigh 88kg, I have a lot more muscle definition , but mostly my diet has improved and I feel like a new person and I now realise that without eating properly, going to the Gym is just a waste of time, I could probably say that Mike's book has saved my Life, I highly recommend it to anyone who has or is in a situation like mine."
Mark Salo - Victoria, AU
"Hi Mike. I have just recently started your program and i LOVE it so much. I just wanted to tell you how fantastic I think your approach and lay out to losing stomach fat is. I'm already feeling the effects of your workouts. My body feels firmer and fitter and I look forward to the sweat.
Truth be told I was BORED TO TEARS with our usual routine at the gym. Not to mention it wasn't really getting my stomach flat!! I love your approach cause it explains everything, and I am a person that needs to know the reasons for why I am doing what I am doing! I like the variety and the shorter workouts, as apposed to the long boring workouts and repetitive isolating exercises I used to do.
Following your program I am certainly getting the heart pumping and the sweat is flowing like I've never felt before. It feels great. Thanks, and I will keep you posted!"
-Michelle Smith, Ontario, Canada
Here's a great audio interview I did recently If you want to learn right now some of the best killer tips for getting flat 6-pack abs and losing abdominal fat .
This interview reveals:
Women Click Here to get a flat sexy tummy and sculpted abs like hers
Men Click Here to burn off stubborn belly fat and build rock hard abdominals like his
Unique fat-burning workout -- the cardio-combo weight training routine
The truth on low-carb diets vs healthy carb meals
A commonly prescribed drug that increases your belly fat (if you want to have a flat stomach, beware of this prescription drug)
Does "whole wheat" give you more abdominal fat, increased aging, diabetes, and more?
Hi Mike,
I have been doing your exercise programme for 8 weeks. I am moving to the advanced routine tomorrow and am really looking forward to it! I have also never been more happy with my diet. It's great to be able to eat your meal and healthy snack suggestions and see my body getting leaner.
I am a full-time mom with a beautiful son who has turned two. I do not have time to go to the gym, so was doing zumba and Pilates at home when my son naps. My hubby bought me a Pilates machine and I did Pilates almost every day for a year, but didn't see the results I am getting from your 3-4 times a week exercise routine. I have always weighed about 45kg to 47kg and am 5 ft 2 (158cm). So am not over weight, but just can't seem to get those flat abs.
So now I am almost there, all thanks to your Truth about abs book. I used to have fat and bloated days, and whilst I know I didn't look fat, I felt it. With your healthy food plan, I feel great every day.
I really enjoy your exercise routines, and have adapted them to work out at home. I have a jumping rope, I have dumbbells, a fitness ball, yoga mat. And a heavy boxing bag that my hubby needs to set up in the garage.
Thanks for your book. IT IS BRILLIANT!!!!! I am more than happy to be a positive advocate, if you ever need a testimonial, especially for those skinny and not so skinny girls that can't seem to tone up and get lean the healthy way. I often get people rolling their eyes when I tell them I eat 6 meals a day, packed with protein, carbs and good fats.
I like looking and feeling good, and I have always exercised and watched what I ate. Especially with a young toddler shadowing me 24 by 7, I need him to follow healthy habits too.
Jabeen P. -- Australia
Can you drink alcohol and still stay lean? Drinking and fat loss tips
5 Foods that Burn Belly Fat & 2 so-called "Healthy" Foods that Increase Stomach Fat
Fat Burning Diet - Foods that Burn Fat or Make You Fat?
Free report: 14-Day Stubborn Fat Protocol - How to Lose Your Lower Abdomen Fat
Get the Truth about Six Pack Abs Videos here (all the abdominal exercises AND full body workouts on video)
Hi Mike. Just wanted to let you know, your interval and weight training methods in your e-book are working perfect! Before i got your e-book, i could see my six pack abs a little bit. After a few weeks on your workouts, i can now see lines on the side of my stomach and my abs appearing even more visibly. I still have a little fat, but not much at all. Thanks!
Andreas Beirholm, Denmark
Best Ab Workouts Secrets
Abs Diet & Training Tips for Fat Loss & Six Pack Abs Article
Best Abdominal Exercises Advice
Try this 8-minute workout "finisher" to get ripped and super lean
Fat Burning Workout Articles and Exercise Tips to Get Lean
"Hi Mike
I started your workouts last week, and surprisingly, I can already see some positive changes to my body! I definitely feel these working me better than anything else I've tried. I really like the interesting way that you turn a weights workout into a cardio workout as well. I can see already that if I keep on doing this progressively, I'll surely have my old body shape back in no time :)
Ok catch you soon. Thanks again Mike, you're superb!"
-Ellin Hazrin, Kingsford, Australia
Worst Abs Exercise - Why Ab Machines, Ab Lounge, Ab Rockers, & Abs Chairs Suck
How to Get Rid of Ugly Stomach Fat - Healthy Tips
What is the healthiest diet? Foods can heal you or kill you
Are Your Food Tastes Making You Fat? Do You Really Eat Healthy, or Just Fooling Yourself?
Home Fat Loss Workouts with Kettlebells and Bodyweight Exercises
Quick and Healthy Mid-Meal Ideas (Snacks) for Between Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
I wanted to thank you for all the advice and motivation you have shared with me in your book & newsletter. I feel great! The other day at a family gathering, my family and friends gave me so many compliments. They told me I looked good and asked me what in the world I was doing to be in such great shape.
I have been working out for about two and a half years but I just couldn't lose the last 10 pounds of body fat I wanted to lose. I started taking your advice recently and eventually lost those extra 10 pounds of fat I wanted to lose! I did it your way which to me is the smart way.
I am 38 years old and now have a 32 inch waist. It took a lot of discipline but you helped me reach my goal! One of my cousins just looked at me and kept saying WOW! WOW! WOW!
Thanks so much!
Mike Castaneda
Reduce Body Fat Easy without Supplements or Fat Loss Pills Article
41 Tips for Building Lean Muscle Faster
Fast Fat Loss Workouts with Full Body Exercises
Don't Fall for the "1 Rule of a Flat Stomach" Acai Berry Scam
New "macro-patterning" food and carbohydrate cycling strategy to burn off lower abdomen fat
Lean Abs - Getting a Six Pack with Real Nutrition & Training, No Gimmicks
Hey Mike,
I ordered your 'Truth About Six Pack Abs' online a couple weeks ago. I have been doing some of the beginner and intermediate level workout routines. HOLY CRAP, those workouts get me sweating like nothing else. I especially love/hate the squat presses and renegade rows.
I'm also starting to get the hang of your diet methods, which are actually more enjoyable than the way I used to eat. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for the useful info and your obvious care for healthy lifestyles of your readers. Thanks again,
Kyle LeDoux, Santa Clarita, CA
Mike, my name is Janaka Palapathwala, a Sri Lankan living in dubai. I ordered your "truth about abs" thru the net, abt six to seven months ago. During the last four months I read it & worked on it strictly as per your instructions on workouts and diet as well. My height is 5'9" & weighed 86kg about an year & a half ago. With my own workout style I brought it down to 82-83kg level within abt 6 months & never fell below that for the whole of a year.
Once I started following on your instructions, within four months I brought my weight down to 74kg. My body got a very good shape with lean muscles that everybody I know started praising & admiring. My sincere heart full of thanks to you. Mike, you are a great nutritionist & a physical instructor. I consider myself extreamly luckey for finding your web site, and was able to follow all your instructions & guidance.
-Janaka Palapathwala, Dubai
Nutrition Ideas for Fat Loss, Healthy Fat Burning Recipes, Unique Workouts
Super-foods for great health, diet articles for the best nutrition
Skiing fitness workouts and best ski exercises
Fitness, Diet, Exercise, Muscle Building and Weight Loss Articles
More new reader reviews of the Truth about Abs program for fat loss
2 Foods that could be making you gain body fat
Hi mike,
I bought your e-book in May last year read it through a couple of times before starting it begining of June. I weighed 14-st and had a stomach 37-inch round, I now weigh a little over 12-st and i've lost 4 inches off my stomach.
I'd tried low carb, low fat, extremely low calorie diets mixed with running but it never seemed to work and now I know why! Everything makes sense now. As for the workouts, they're really challenging - never sweat so much!! I've never been fitter or stronger than what I am now, everybody says how well I look. I can't thank you enough your book is an absolute bargain.
Many thanks
Ashley Thompson, England
New Articles -
The Top 5 Fat-Burning Foods for a Lean Healthy Body
My 1 Unique Exercise to Flatten Your Stomach While Driving
Do Soy Foods, Soy Milk, and Soy Protein Make You Gain Belly Fat?
If you're not already a subscriber of my FREE Lean-Body Secrets Fitness Tips Newsletter , make sure to sign up below to get all of my unique fat-burning recipes, crazy workouts (I send out weekly tips with some odd workout styles that are super effective!), fitness motivation, and more: