I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the most ripped person out there...I'll also never be a professional bodybuilder or fitness model...and I'm fine with that! I'm just a regular guy with average genetics . In fact, I can actually get fat really fast if I eat like a typical American... and that's no joke! But I don't eat like an average person...and I've actually learned to make healthy eating FUN... But as you can see above, I stay very lean and in great shape year round despite having "average genetics".
My passion is to show you how to eat delicious foods and still get super lean! The truth is that you don't have to eat a boring bland diet of dry chicken breasts and plain broccoli to get lean. I'll show you in my programs how I eat TONS of full fat foods like whole eggs , any and all nuts, meats, full-fat milk, grass-fed butter, coconut milk and oil, avocados, and more delicious foods and how this actually HELPS you to get leaner!
My name is Mike Geary and I'm the owner and author of TruthAboutAbs.com and several other popular fitness and health websites. I've authored the internationally best-selling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs . Currently, The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 539,000 readers in 163 countries to date.
I'm also the co-author of the newest best-selling nutrition program called: The Fat Burning Kitchen: Your 24-Hour Diet Transformation to Make Your Body a Fat Burning Machine
And my newest creation is a delicious new manual I co-authored that you also won't want to miss if you care about protecting your body from aging:
The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging - 101 little-known foods, herbs, spices, teas, nutrients, and dozens of other anti-aging tricks to protect your skin, organs, muscles, and joints from aging, so you can look and feel 10 years YOUNGER than your age.
I've also had hundreds of fitness articles published on thousands of fitness websites around the world. I've also been a contributing author to the popular Muscle & Fitness Magazine & Oxygen Magazine . You may have also heard me as a guest speaker on various radio shows throughout the country.
Yes, this is me doing one of my favorite exercises - the deadlift
I also publish an online fitness newsletter,
Lean Body Fitness Secrets
, that is enjoyed by over 710,000 subscribers in over 170 countries. Subscribe today to receive your free fat loss bonuses and metabolic rate calculator
as a thanks.
Working in the fitness industry, I'm a Certified Nutrition Specialist and a Certified Personal Trainer specializing in body fat reduction strategies and functional strength and power training. I hold a Bachelors of Science degree from Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA.
Doing another one of my favorite drills - the overhead squat. Don't worry, my head really isn't going to explode!
I dedicate myself to constantly staying up-to-date on new and innovative training strategies as well as the latest nutrition tips in order to pass this valuable information on to you, my reader, and help improve the quality of your life.
I'm also not a hypocrite. I don't preach to my readers about fitness and then go off and eat a box of donuts and smoke a cigarette like some other trainers do. I stay lean and rock-hard year round by following smart training progressions and eating a fun and delicious healthy diet.
Fitness is my passion and I'd love to help make it your passion as well! So stay with me, and I'll never let you down...subscribe to my free fitness and fat loss newsletter and take a read through my Truth About Six Pack Abs program, and you won't be dissappointed.
You can also find plenty of my various fitness tips related to exercise, nutrition, building muscle, losing body fat, reducing stress, and living a healthier and happier life at my Six-Pack Abs Fat Loss Blog .
If you want to see some extremely motivating success stories from some of my best readers, click here . I challenge YOU to be my NEXT success story and get your best body ever!
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