Lean-Body Fitness Secrets Ezine Archives
Unique Workouts, Exercises, Cool Diet Tips, and Healthy Recipes for Fat Loss
by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Author: The Truth about Six-Pack Abs
Not all Ezine issues are listed here, but below are some select issues listed by topic for you to easily choose which you are interested in reading. If you want to make sure you don't miss out on these healthy fat loss recipes and exercise tips, signup in the box below to get them emailed weekly right to you:
My Crazy 6-Week Overeating Experiment - Did I Gain Weight?
3 Foods that you should STOP eating !
The healthiest cheese-steak in the freakin world!
A former Vegan confesses how veganism destroyed her health
My SuperHuman Smoothie Recipe (insane energy for an insane body!)
Are these 20+ harmful chemicals lurking in your burger?
This might be the healthiest Drink in the world - 10x the Vitamin C of orange juice
A weird way to sneak more nutrition into dinner
My 12-day carbohydrate binge experiment
My NEW healthy high-protein chocolate dessert recipe
2 types of food making you fatter - are dairy and wheat making you fat and sick?
Is canola oil really a health food miracle, or actually bad for you?
Grocery Store Mistakes in Choosing Healthy Foods
1 Day of Example Fat-Burning Meal Plans - and my hot dog confession
3 Random Fitness Tips - involving watermelon, onions, and crazy workouts
Studies show 4 Proven Tricks to Eat Less Food and Calories
Does the "Pump" Have any Validity for Building Muscle Mass?
Are You Addicted to Aggressive Tastes? Eating habit causes weight gain
3 Foods marketing to you as "healthy" that are deceptive
3 Healthy Dessert Ideas that are "Six-Pack Abs" Friendly
Are Whole Eggs or Egg Whites Better for You?
Is Saturated Fat Actually Bad for You, or a Myth?
The "Twinkie Diet" controversy explained
How Do You Know if You're Getting Scammed with the Supplements You Buy?
How to Make Exercise Fun Again... it Won't Work if You Don't Enjoy it!
The Secret Ratio of a Proper Post-Workout Meal for Fat Loss & Muscle Building
Healthy Mid-Meal Ideas for Quick Fat Loss Foods between breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Stop Making Excuses... Why Do You Miss Workouts?
The Worst Abs Exercise Ever - Avoid This if You Actually Want Abs
Healthy Food vs Junk Foods - Does Eating Junk Equal "Living a Little"?
Can you handle this advanced workout?
Eating Healthy While Dining Out is Almost Impossible, Unless...
Healthy Nutritious Delicious Dessert Idea; Innovative New Workout Site
Motivation to Lose Weight Using Brain Science to Attain the Proper Mindset
This Food is Slowly Killing You and Your Family
Stop Cravings for Sugar & Junk Food
Unhealthy vs Healthy Cooking Oils - the surprising truth!
Losing Belly Fat with 2 Vital Strategies; Healthy Turkey-Bean Recipe
Do Artificial Sweeteners Make You Fat? Natural Alternatives and Stevia
Are There any Health Benefits to Raw Honey vs Regular Sugar?
Bodyweight Squats Muscular Endurance 5-Minute Challenge
Healthy Meal Plans for Fat Loss - My Delicious Mexican Fat Burning Recipe
Better Sleep Equals Less Body Fat... Fall Asleep Easier with These Tips
Realistic Diet Plans to Suit Your Specific Preferences... 5 Simple Steps
The Ultimate Muscle Meal... a Salad on Roids
Lose Fat Naturally... without Rip-off Supplements
Weight Loss Motivation and Attaining the Right Mindset for Success
Energy Drinks - Do They Give You Energy or Just a Fat Gut?
Pre-Workout Energy Drinks; Morning Workouts on an Empty Stomach
Killer Outdoor Bodyweight Workouts in 20 Minutes or Less; Sweet Mangoes Nutrition
Do You Really Need Cardio?; Peach Protein Ice Cream Recipe
The Hidden Truth about Cholesterol; Lean-Body Salmon Melt Recipe
4 "fatty" foods for a flat belly
Pumped-up Pumpkin Pie recipe; Unique Workouts for Individuals with Little Time
One of the Key Secrets to Life-Long Weight Management
Lean-Body Pizza Recipe; Secret for Succeeding with Weight Loss or Muscle Building Goals
Hard-Body Healthy Chili Recipe (delicious and interesting ingredients!)
Why the Leg Press Machine Sucks; Delicious Healthy Turkey-Avocado-Wasabi Lunch
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