My Heart-Healthy Fat-Burning Chili Recipe

healthy chili recipe by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist
Best-Selling Author:  The Fat-Burning Kitchen   The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging


I was surprised to find that many people don't realize that chili can be a VERY healthy meal.  And no, this does NOT mean you have to use turkey or chicken to make the chili... actually certain types of red meat are typically MUCH healthier (since most of the chicken and turkey farms in the US raise unhealthy birds fed the wrong types of feed), so grass-fed beef or bison are many times a better choice than turkey or chicken, despite the average person thinking that chicken or turkey are healthier.

If you follow my recipe, you'll get a satisfying and tasty meal with a good macro-nutrient balance (prot-carb-fat ratio) for good blood sugar control, and also a diverse array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

I hope you enjoy!

Plus, this recipe has a few interesting ingredients ... like the small amount of dark chocolate...yes, in chili!

Geary's Fat-Burning Healthy Chili Recipe:

  • 1.5 lbs of a healthy type of ground meat (I like to use ground grass-fed bison, ostrich, venison, or grass-fed beef  as some of the healthiest meat choices... as a last resort, lean ground turkey or chicken can work also -- but just try to make sure to pick organic if you get turkey or chicken, because of the horrendous conditions and feed in most factory farm chicken or turkey operations)
  • 1 large red pepper diced
  • 5-6 jalapeno peppers diced (adjust based on your desired "hotness")
  • 2 large onions diced
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp pasture-raised butter for added healthy fat and taste (Kerrygold is my favorite)
  • 1 large can crushed tomatoes or 5-6 large fresh tomatoes diced
  • 1 can of kidney beans or black beans (good source of antioxidants and fiber)
  • half a bag of frozen chopped spinach (adds extra nutrient density... add in towards the end of cooking) 
  • 2 tbsp molasses (this is a good source of antioxidants and minerals, adds great flavor, and only adds minimal sugar)
  • 3-4 squares of extra dark chocolate (sounds weird, but trust me...this adds just a touch of great extra flavor, and a little bit of extra antioxidants)
  • 1 or 2 tbsp of chili powder
  • 1 or 2 tsp of cumin  (great taste and cumin also has blood sugar control properties )
  • 1 or 2 tbsp of crushed garlic
  • if you like your chili extra HOT, add some cayenne pepper to the mix also (this is also a metabolism booster!)
  • a small touch of sea salt (I don't measure... I just use a couple small pinches; This is my favorite sea salt )
  • I also like to add some fresh chopped cilantro while it's cooking
  • Some avocado (for use as a topping after chili is cooked and served)
  • some grass-fed raw cheese if you can find it (Kerrygold grass-fed cheese is great shredded on top!)


Use a large pot and start with the olive oil, butter, and ground meat cooking. Just start adding all of the diced vegetables and other ingredients as you get them ready.  If you want to get a little crazy, and increase the nutrition content of this chili even further, you can even mix the ground meat you're using with ground grass-fed organ meats (like this healthy organ meats article described) since organ meats are the most nutrient-dense meat types available.

Once it's all together and cooking in the pot, reduce heat to low and simmer for 40-50 minutes. Top each bowl with freshly diced ripe avocado (which adds even more satisfying healthy fats) and sprinkle with shredded raw grass-fed cheese. You've got an awesome hot delicious meal! This recipe makes about 6 servings.

Save the leftovers and bring healthy lunches or midmeals with you to work each day.

It doesn't get any more nutrient dense than this!  This is the type of meal that is so dense in micro-nutrients, that it will satisfy your body's needs for nutrition (hence, eliminating cravings), but do it without overloading on calories or spiking blood sugar too much.

Approximate macro-nutrient breakdown per serving:
36 g. protein, 38 g. carbs, 9 g. fiber, 15 g. fat (all healthy fat), 395 calories

I hope you've enjoyed today's heart-healthy fat-burning recipe! Feel free to share this recipe with your friends and family with easy sharing options below... 


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