Frequently Asked Questions - The Truth about Six Pack Abs Program
Frequent Questions List (Answers provided further below)
1. Is this program more for muscle building or fat loss?
3. Is this program designed for men or women?
6. Do I need to join a gym or can I do these workouts at home?
8. Does this program require me to buy any expensive supplements, powders, or diet pills?
10. How much time do the workouts in your programs take and how often?
12. What is an e-book and how will I download it?
13. Does it matter what country I'm in and is the sale in US dollars?
1. Is this program more for muscle building or fat loss?
The answer is that the concepts taught within the program can be applied to either fat loss or muscle building with some slight modifications and tweaks. However, I developed most of the details within this program to address the MAIN PROBLEM that 99% of people are facing as to why they cannot see their abdominals, and that is... losing the stubborn stomach fat that is covering up your abs .
2.What types of training ideas will I learn in this program? Is it only about abs exercises or full body training as well?
Inside the TruthAboutAbs program, I do provide full descriptions and photos of all of the most effective abdominal exercises in existence (as well as which exercises to AVOID), but one of the main points I try to drive home within the program is that the abs-specific exercises are actually the LEAST important part of the program to actually get rid of the belly fat that is covering up your abs.
The majority of the program focuses on a unique style of full-body training programs as well as strategic exercise combinations and sequencing that increases your metabolic rate and stimulates a fat-burning hormonal response in your body . I also detail a full-blown section on fat-burning nutritional strategies (easy and delicious!) and a fully comprehensive dietary plan that will actually have you enjoying food again while getting and staying lean for life.
Now these are the 2 most important aspects of the program that make it one of the most successful abdominal fat loss programs on the internet today with customers in 163 countries around the world.
3. Is this program designed for men or women?
Who says that men and women need to train or eat differently to get lean? The truth is that they DON'T.
The bottom line is that the best exercises for increasing your metabolism and stimulating your fat-burning hormones are the best exercises regardless of gender. The only thing that is going to change is that in general, most females will require fewer calories, and usually use slightly lighter weights than most men, but the fact remains that the best training and nutrition strategies apply equally to both genders.
To be honest (and I explain this in more detail within the program), one of the main reasons that so many women struggle to make progress is that they aren't training the right way to increase their metabolic rate and trigger the proper hormonal response from exercise. The majority of women spend WAY too much time with monotonous endless cardio routines, and tiny little 3-lb barbie weights. This kind of training will get you NOWHERE!
Inside the TruthAboutAbs program, I teach you ladies how to do this right without having to worry about "bulking up" as it seems that almost all women are afraid of this.
4. Am I too old? I'm older, heavily overweight, and out of shape. I also haven't worked out in years. Is this program going to be too hard for me to follow?
I developed this program with beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of progressions. All of the training and dietary strategies can be used by everybody from teenagers looking to get stronger and leaner, all the way up to overweight grandmoms that simply want to feel and look better.
Even the most out of shape individuals will usually even be able to do most of the advanced exercises, except just with lighter weights or slower movements. Heck, even if you are so out of shape that you have to really go slow and start with the bare minimum of exercises, most readers have told me that the nutrition section of the book alone was well worth the investment and has opened their eyes to dozens of things that they had never realized they were doing wrong in their dietary habits.
So there...even if you can't jump right in with guns blazing into the full blown advanced training routines, simply start to use the dietary strategies to get a head start on losing some of that extra body fat, and then slowly increase your workout intensity until you can work up to all of the advanced exercises.
5. Am I too young? I'm only 16, and I really want to get in better shape and get a flatter more defined stomach. Am I too young to start on a program like this?
This program can be applied to most ages. However, peep in mind that a portion of the program gives options for workouts that involve weight training or bodyweight training. If you're younger than approximately 15, you probably shouldn't get into any extremely heavy weight training just yet. However, in the younger teen years, starting with bodyweight-only exercises is a great way to get started into fitness and get in great shape. In addition to the optional weight training routines, this program also involves a large variety of bodyweight-based exercises that you will benefit greatly from.
You'll also learn the TRUTH about what a truly nutritious diet really is and learn to decipher all of the misconceptions in the world of food advertising and in the media. The nutrition aspect alone of this program is well worth the investment for both younger and older readers to achieve the lean strong body that everyone wants.
Personally, looking back to my teen years when I was just starting to get interested in fitness and exercising, I wish that I understood all of the powerful training and nutrition secrets that I do today, about 20 years later. It would have saved me years of frustration when I was training and eating in ALL the wrong ways. That's where this guide will set you straight for life, so that you don't have to struggle to try to figure everything out on your own for years like I did.
6. Do I need to join a gym or can I do these workouts at home?
Either. It's really up to you. In fact, at a bare minimum, you can even get decent results simply by doing many of the bodyweight exercises featured in the program. However, please realize that if you really want to step it up and get maximum fat loss and full body strengthening results, having access to free weights (barbells and dumbbells) and some of the cable equipment at a gym will give you a lot more options to work with.
Alternatively, if you'd rather work out at home, I usually recommend a mix of bodyweight exercises as well as at least picking up a set of adjustable dumbbells such as PowerBlock Dumbbells , and perhaps a stability ball for more variety options. The Power Block Dumbbells are probably the best investment you can ever make if you're going to decide to work out at home instead of being a member at a gym.
To be honest, you don't really need anything fancier than that to get the best results possible. The most important thing is that you have a means for improving over time, and that's why I recommend the adjustable PowerBlock dumbbells if you're not going to join a gym.
7. Does this program include any diet tips and meal plans to help lose body fat, or is it only about workouts?
Yes, the nutrition portion of this program is actually the MOST important part! Gaining a thorough understanding of diet and nutrition is absolutely critical if you ever want to stand a chance at truly flattening your stomach and seeing visible abs on yourself.
An entire portion of the program is devoted to helping you to understand the confusing world of nutrition, especially considering all of the marketing hype that is thrown at you daily by overly aggressive supplement companies, food manufacturing companies, and gimmick diet fads that keep popping up daily.
Since I don't sell supplements or diet fads, I give you the straight honest research-based answers and thoroughly explain such topics as:
8. Does this program require me to buy any expensive supplements, powders, or diet pills?
Absolutely NOT! Approximately 95% of all supplements and diet pills are a complete waste of money anyway. They are simply luring you in with their devious marketing ploys to try and get you to believe that there is a "magic pill in a bottle" that will solve all of your body fat and muscle issues and have you looking like the fitness model on the bottle in a couple days.
The fact is that you don't need supplements to develop the body of your dreams! All you need is a seriously effective style of training, the right mindset, as well as good quality wholesome food in the right combinations and proportions, at the right times, and in the right quantities to achieve whatever your goals are... whether they are fat-burning or muscle building goals.
9. What if I'm a vegetarian. Will I still be able to use the fat loss nutritional guidance in this program?
Yes, you can still use the principles of the fat loss nutritional strategies section and get great results even if you choose to be vegetarian. You will simply need to modify some of the examples to your vegetarian needs. However, since you've chosen to eliminate animal based products from your diet, you'll need to be extra careful to obtain sufficient quality protein as well as other specific nutrients typically lacking in a vegetarian diet to keep your body healthy and functioning properly.
10. How much time do the workouts in your programs take and how often?
The strategically designed full body workouts within the Truth about Six Pack Abs Program generally take between 20-50 minutes/day and are recommended 3-4 days/week. Depending on which route you choose will determine how long your workouts are. It's important for you to realize that you DON'T need to do 2-hour marathon workouts each day to get the body of your dreams. QUALITY and intensity of your workouts are more important than duration! In some cases, I've gotten amazing results for some of my clients with workouts that only last 15-20 minutes per day.
11. I'm nervous about putting my credit card info into a website order form. Is it really safe to place an order on your website?
I understand that many people are still just now making their first purchases online and are still a little nervous about using their credit cards on the web. These days, online payment processors have advanced to the point that they are actually MORE secure than many other forms of payment.
In many ways, ordering online is actually a safer method of payment than giving out your CC info on the phone or on a mail-in stub, etc where an actual human is going to have access to your info. With a secure online form, a human will not have access to your info, only the merchant bank.
Our merchant account uses SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect your information from being viewed by any third parties. Even as the website owner myself, I don't even have access to any credit card information that you input for the order. Only the bank processes the information.
We use Clickbank to process our orders. Clickbank is the most popular and frequently used credit card processing company in the world for online downloadable products. Clickbank has an outstanding reputation and security has never been a problem.
You'll notice that when you get to the page where you are inputting your card numbers, the beginning of the web URL will change from http to https. That indicates that you are on a secure page and the info can not be found by a 3rd party. Keep that in mind on any websites where you are using your credit card. Always look for the https at the beginning of the web address on the actual page where the card info is requested.
Personally, I've purchased easily over 100 items online over the last 2-3 years on dozens of websites, and I've never once had an issue with security, nor has anyone I know, so it is definitely one of the safest methods of payment. Again, just be sure to look for the https at the beginning of the web address when you get to the point where you're actually putting in the card numbers.
12. What is an e-book and how will I download it?
An e-book is simply a quicker and easier method of obtaining the program you want to purchase. Instead of paying for shipping and waiting for a physical package to come in the mail, you will be able to download the entire Truth About Six Pack Abs program in Adobe PDF format right to your computer immediately after ordering. All you need is the free Adobe Reader which already comes installed on all newer computers. However, if you have an older computer and don't have Adobe Reader installed, it is a free download. Just go to http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
The main program will only take about a minute to download if you have a high speed connection. Once you download the ebook to your computer, you simply save the pdf file to a directory and then you can open it and either read it on your computer any time you wish, or if you'd rather, you can print it out to bring with you to read anywhere.
13. Does it matter what country I'm in and is the sale in US dollars?
You can order online no matter what country you're located in, and we also accept orders 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. We've processed orders from over 160 countries currently. Our secure credit card processor will automatically convert the US dollars to your country's currency.
Reader Reviews
If you want to see some of the many reader reviews of the Truth about Six Pack Abs program, it may help you to see some of the people who may have a similar situation to you, and are getting great results. Here are some of the reader reviews of the Truth about Six Pack Abs program
Order Here and get started immediately on your new lean body and flat stomach!