by Mike Geary , Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Author of best-sellers: The Fat Burning Kitchen & The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging
I receive a lot of questions from my readers where they have been doing much better at choosing healthy breakfasts, lunches, and/or dinners, but they are still struggling to find good ideas for healthy and quick snacks for on the go... especially a quick small meal or snack that can be brought to the office or on road trips (so you can avoid the fast food junk!)
The problem that I see most people having is being prepared enough to bring healthy snacks with them to work for the day. If you don't plan ahead, and bring something healthy and balanced with you when you're out and about for the day, or at work, you're going to end up choosing the junk food at the vending machine or corner store when your hunger strikes.
Quick, healthy snack ideas to keep your body lean:
That should give you some ideas to start working with. Now you have ZERO EXCUSES for resorting to junk food snacks on the road or at the office, when you have all of the delicious and healthy fat-burning snack ideas right here!
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