We got so many positive responses from readers that I had to make this extra page for testimonials. The original Truth about Abs testimonials page is here with the majority of the reviews.
It's not a surprise that so many readers are losing stomach fat faster than they thought possible, eating healthier (and understanding healthy food choices better), and feeling stronger with more energy... The program flat out WORKS. I'll let some of the actual customers show you their thoughts and results below:
Hi Mike, I am sending you this Email to let you know, since receiving your book and your lean-body fitness newsletters from you, I have now lost a total of 6 kilos since March of this year!
This would not have been possible for me to acheive if It wasnt for the letters you have Emailed out to me since subscribing to your website. I truly love your letters, as they have helped me change my eating habits for the better. "Keep those letters rolling" I now have a total of around 15 or 20 of your letters in my Mike-geary-truthaboutabs folder.
You are truly an inspiration Mike. A lot of people who live in Sydney Australia including myself have now heard a lot about you, due to the fact I have spread the word about your fantastic website. Even though I do not know you in person, you care so much about others and if it wasnt for individuals like yourself, I would probably be still sitting on the couch to this very day and stuffing my face on a large packet of salt & vinegar potatoe chips and drinking two cans of Pepsi Max a day and not drinking any water what so ever... which used to be a so-called diet of mine, before discovering your website. Thanks!
Janice Crampton, Australia
Alex Miller from the UK
Alex before using TruthAboutAbs Alex after applying the TAA principles
Up until about 2 years ago, I used to train a lot – running and lifting weights in the gym – 3-4 times per week, each session about 2+ hours. I was getting stronger and stronger and my distance running was improving a lot but I could never shift the fat.. no matter how hard I tried.
I then came across TruthAboutAbs and Mike Geary online and that's when everything changed. I changed my running workouts completely and started doing his style of interval training instead and combined this with his unusual workout plans for weights (which are amazing by the way)– I now spend half the time in the gym (3 x 1hrs per week) and get at least 3-5x better results.
I'm now 8.7% body fat whereas 2 years ago I was 14-15%. At one point, I weighed 203 pounds, now I weigh 168 pounds and have never been in better shape. Thank you so much Mike!
Alex Miller, UK
Update on Alex:
The 3rd picture above is the most recent picture that Alex sent me, and as you can see, he has made even more dramatic improvements as time has gone on! Congrats Alex!
Just wanted to let you know that your Truth about Six Pack Abs program has given me the best body of my life.
I've been lifting weights for over 10 years now and in the span of 15 weeks on your program, I completely transformed my body. I went from nearly 180 lbs (5'6") to 160 lbs. At 160 lbs I'm still working out with 245 on the bench. Same as I was at 180 lbs. I've shredded the fats using your exercise and diet plans. My wife, who had our first child in January, lost over 50lbs with me training her using your methods. I just wanted to thank you and if you would like before and after pics, just let me know. I put them on my facebook page and one of my many responses was "Holy ****!" Everyone was asking me how I did it. I'd be glad to give you the glory if that is your wish.
Brad Beers
Broken Arrow, OK
Just wanted to drop a line and say how much I love the Lean-Body newsletters - I've followed most of Mikes fitness and nutrition advice and have to say I am feeling great, have heaps more energy and feel more in control by being informed - the information is priceless and I feel very lucky to have subscribed - there is so much information out there, it's easy to get overwhelmed, but Mike's straight to the point and practical suggestions make teasing out the relevant stuff so much easier!
Thanks again to Mike and the Team - Please feel free to publish this feedback if appropriate!
Keep Up the Great Work,
Poppy - Bellevue Heights, SA Australia
Hi Mike,
Just to let you know reading your fitness news letter has made me re-think about food and healthy choices.
I would go out shopping and buy diet food like all of the fat women... Thinking its healthy during this time i had put on weight nearly 2 stones. With your help I have lost 5 pounds in three weeks.
Thanks again.
Angela Gharu, UK
Hi. I have been religiously following the exercises in the book, Truth About Abs 4-5 times a week and have lost 120 lbs so far. This has been fantastic for me, and I have your program to thank. Now I just need to tighten up the loose skin from all of the fat I lost.
Here is a before and after picture.
Kenny Woods
Hi Mike!
My name is Petra and I live in Sydney. I am a personal trainer as well although I don't have as much experience as you do.
I really want to thank you for your book and e-mails. You have done a really great job. I have never read a fitness book which makes sense from beginning to the end. But your's definitely does.
I love sport and that's why I decided to step into this industry. Working with other trainers, I still had so many questions about exercise and food and I found myself quite controversial with the other trainers...There were just some things I didn't understand...Like why anybody recommends artificial sweeteners in coffee or diet coke because it is low in calories, but it is not healthy?
I was looking for further education and I found your book and bought it and I felt like a completely new person.
The information about nutrition was so great and useful as well the exercise. My friends are involved in organic markets and they have done huge research about all products and meals and they got to the same conclusion
like you.
I tried your program personally, of course. I am loving it... I am a passionate MTB and I race a lot, so the fitness program helps me with the strength. Thanks,
Petra, Sydney, AU
Mike, I am enjoying the benefits of your food menu information in the Truth About Abs program and I shared it with some friends who are interested. By eating from the healthy menu plans, my doctor told me today has seen a great improvment in my Cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL/LDL were perfect, and I even lost 5 lbs so far. I am going to share with information with my friends. Thanks again.
Rubi T
Hello Mike,
Your email newsletters have been very helpful. I too, like your Mother, fell for one of those "
flat stomach diet pill" scams
and have had nothing but trouble ever since.
They even charged my credit card $79.95US prior to the trial period ending. Now they are sending more capsules and trying to debit my card again... I notified my bank and cancelled my credit card. Now, EVERYDAY, I am receiving emails from all different people in that company telling me of the "fine print" in their advertisements
It's great to have someone like you that we can actually trust to give advice that actually works, with real workouts and of course, your excellent healthy eating tips.
God Bless and enjoy your day.
Regards, Robyn F.
Hey Mike,
I started your program several months ago after downloading your book, and am blown-away by the benefits.
The work-outs are sick, and I'm loving the eating habit changes. I'm noticing huge gains, and am excited to see what I can accomplish in the coming months and years. This truly is THE best program I've come across in all my years of competitive sports and training.
I've suffered for several years now (I'm only 30) from serious knee pain from years of competitive volleyball. I've been unable to play for the last year. Since starting your program, my legs are stronger than ever, and I'm very close to returning to playing at a high level.
Thank you!
Dave Maslen, CA
I love your book! And i can go on and on about what it has done for me. When i was reading your book, (i can't remember where exactly), but you had mentioned an exercise you do from time to time while just sitting around on a daily basis. This one tip alone has been working great!
I have a ton of friends that say they wish they had abs like mine, and "oh how nice and flat they look" with a nice shape, and i've had 2 kids. Even though I like that unique daily "sitting" exercise of yours, I'm most definitely not saying to NOT work out full body, because i do 3-4 times a week on top of that. With every exercise i do, my abs continue to flex. I think if a lot more people, (especially women), got into the routine of doing that, they would achieve a much flatter stomach in no time on top of everything else in your awesome book.
Since i read your book, you an see my abs even more! I love it! And when that happens, I've noticed for me, that my muscles also have taken a nice shape to them, and believe me, i don't have the defined ripped 6-pack, but rather a have nice feminine hard looking abs... and that's nothing to complain about.....Personally i think women have a much harder time getting the "6-pack" looking abs, so i thought maybe this is something you may or may not want to share to help them work towards achieving their goal. Thanks for letting me share....
Amy H.
I want to pass along my complete satisfaction with the program outlined in your book. I started the Truth About Abs program weighing 180 lbs and 24% body fat with a 35 inch waist. I had never seen my abs in my life. Until two years ago I was an avid cardio runner but I never could lose the weight on my stomach and thighs. Eventually I gave up running and started putting on the pounds.
After taking your recommendations to heart about proper food choices and full body work outs (instead of running so much), I have lost 25 pounds and dropped my body fat to 13% with a waist size of 30 inches. I can now clearly see my six pack but in addition, I have increased the muscle mass over my entire body. The trainer at my gym was completely amazed by the progress I made over three months.
It took me 12 weeks to get a lean muscular body and it really wasn't hard to do. There is so much variety in the food choices that I never feel like I have to sacrifice flavor or quantity for the sake of losing weight. In fact I would never call your program a diet, it is simply educated eating and with one over-feed day a week, I crave nothing.
Thanks for your great program. I may be one of your best sales men since I have directed several people to your web site.
Be well and best regards,
Seattle, Washington
Good day Mike
I downloaded the truth about abs book about 3 weeks ago. I have been training for 17 years but it looks like I got it all wrong, not really but I must be honest I have been working out for an hour at a time and more that half of my workout consisted of the same old cardio.
I started your program exactly 10 days and I don't know if it is my imagination but I can feel a difference especially my abs seems to be quite a bit stronger and tighter.
I am loving every workout and the programs are really challenging but most enjoyable.
I hope people who have been doing just cardio could get their hands on your workouts and just try it out to see what a difference it makes to do multi-jointed workouts. I really don't miss the machines at all and I didn't know that free weights could be such a great way to work out.
Your book has opened my mind to a whole new world of training.
Thanks so much for all the great info I have received through your book and newsletters.
Hanlie from Mpumalanga South Africa
Hey Mike,
I have been a fitness buff my entire life either thru serious training or sports. Even into my 30'S I never had to worry about my body as it was always in pristine shape averaging around 11-13% (5'7" ranging between 125-135 lbs.) body fat (grew up in Miami so go figure). When my husband and I decided to start a family when I was over 35, everything went out the window and instead of focusing on myself and my fitness routine I had a demanding career in the medical industry and 2 beautiful girls that were 18 months apart.
With both pregnancies I gained over 120 lbs and have only lost about 105 lbs. For my 41st birthday, I made a promise to myself to get back to the old Erica....this was easier than I expected between God's gift of muscle memory and your wonderful and insightful diet and training tips in your book and newsletters. My old 8 pack is back, cardio is a breeze and if I could just lift my glutes another inch or so I would consider my body just as it was!!!!!! Not bad for 6 weeks...
Anywho keep doing what you do to motivate me to do what I want to do!
God Bless and stay fit!
Hey Mike I just want to let you know you have been a great influence in my life.
Your tips and knowledge have helped me get into the greatest shape in my life. I'm a Fire Science Student and one day i hope to be a firefighter, I was overweight a few years ago I lost some weight through boring cardio but it was then when I found your website and book online and you helped me get through the plateau. It was also because of you that when I did my firefighter training my cardio capacity was so much better than those guys who would run all day long, not to mention my knees were in better condition. Because the career I'm pursuing involves a lifelong commitment to fitness I have taken it upon myself to educate myself on on exercise and diet topics. I'm currently taking a swimming class which is definitely given my body a new challenge. Thanks,
Joshua A.
Hello Mike,
I ran across your web site and ebook a few weeks ago when I was researching some sort of Ab Machine.... the continued desire to reduce and eliminate my increasing spare tire. I almost went right past it because I dismissed it as just another 'fat loss e-book', but for some reason I didn't and signed up for your email newsletter, and downloaded the Truth About Abs program.
I have yet to read the book completely, but I just wanted to email while I had a free second from work and say that your email newsletter is without a doubt one of the best, quality newsletters about health and weight loss that I've ever encountered. And I've seen a TON of them. You name the diet, health drink, smoothie, machine, gimmick - and I can almost guarantee that I've tried it. I've just been very unhappy with my body over the last 5 years, and I've been trying anything and everything to change it for a while now.... and limited results at best with everything.
And I just wanted to let you know that I've gotten more out of your free newsletter than much of what I've paid for in the past...
Eddie S.
I just wanted to write and let you know how beneficial your email newsletters are to me in my journey to a healthier life. I wish I would have had these when I started losing weight several months ago. I didn't go about it the best way. However... I did manage to lose a rediculously substantial amount of weight.
But I am glad I have your fitness email newsletters now to be able to continue to maintain a healthy weight and tone by body. Your food emails are great and I can't wait to try your healthy cheesesteak . Thanks again.
Lance Johnson
Hi Mike, love your program! I was very skeptical about every product, and when I found TruthAboutAbs I explored the net to find only positive reviews and now that I have tested it, I've been on the program for 3 months now, sometimes inconsistent because of my work - I don't have always time to go to the gym, but never the less, I've lost 22 pounds, and I know If I become more consistent I will definitely get ripped abs, which by the way, they have started to show, and I'm only in level 4 of Ab training (out of 8), so I'm guessing I'll have even better ripped abs when I can get to the 6th level. Thanks,
Marco Lujan
I had been using a Bowflex for strength training and my road bike for aerobic exercise to maintain my health. Last May, I was down to 130 lbs and resembled a walking skeleton.
I decided to pack on some lean muscle and hopefully not increase my body fat. Near the end of June, I discovered Mike's program and purchased it. At the time, I weighed 140 lbs with a body fat percentage of 10%. Using Mike's workout recommendations and nutritional tips, I was able to gain 10 more lbs of muscle yet decrease my body fat percentage to 5%.
I barely have an ounce of fat covering the my body now and have muscles that I've never seen before. My arms, chest, and legs have never had as much definition as they do now and I'm as lean as I've ever been!
It did take an incredible amount of desire, dedication, and determination, but Mike's program supplied me with the info I needed and steady results to keep me on track and motivated. I've never been in better shape and my diet is always improving as I strive to make healthy choices for all of my meals.
Mike's program was an integral part of my success. In the end, I got results, and you can't ask for much more than that.
Scott Roddick
As always, I want to thank everyone who has written in to share their success stories... it's through you that I can share your stories to inspire others out there who are struggling to lose body fat and need a legitimate solution instead of a typical scam.
Get your own copy of the world-wide best selling
Truth about Six Pack Abs
today, and stop procrastinating!
If you're still uncertain if this program is right for you, here is a page with the common questions on the Truth about Six Pack Abs fat loss program
Additional Expert Review from Published Diet Author, Joel Marion:
Can I tell you a secret? Ab programs make me cringe.
Now, it’s not that I don’t believe in ab training or that I feel there’s something wrong with desiring a flat, lean midsection —- clearly, as a fitness professional and six-pack owner myself, that couldn’t be any further from what’s going on. So why then? Why is it that I absolutely loathe these programs?
Simple: 99% of them suck.
Crunches this, Swiss ball that. Give me a break. Truth be told, if anything about ab training lining the shelves at Barnes & Noble actually worked, I’d have a lot less clients.
But then I read The Truth About Abs. In this truly shocking book, author Mike Geary completely obliterates everything you think you know about six-pack abs and instead exposes the cold, hard facts about losing fat, gaining abs, and getting super lean.
Listen, if you want another worthless ab training program, go ahead and buy another muscle magazine or some other “bookstore” abs resource. But if you want to actually possess the firm, sculpted abs you desire (instead of simply daydreaming about them), then do yourself a huge favor and get your hands on this information today.
Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT
Author, The Cheat to Lose Diet
You have 2 options now :
1. You could leave this site and go on to some other bogus website trying to scam you into buying their "miracle diet pills" or "abdominal blaster 2000". And a few months from now, you'll be coming back to this site because you still are getting no results. OR,
2. Get your own copy of the best selling Truth about Six Pack Abs today, and NO MORE procrastination! There's a reason that over 250,000 people have used this program successfully... it WORKS!
Click here to start burning off excess stomach fat today and get the lean sexy body that you want .