I knew my low-testosterone levels were an issue…

But when my wife tried to get me to wear a lacy red dress in the bedroom,
It was the humiliating last straw.

Warning: the following story is controversial, triggering, and wildly humiliating….

Yet it’s also what led me to discover a simple and natural testosterone-regenerating breakthrough…

Something that got me out of the Estrogen Death Spiral that’s feminizing American men from head-to-toe…

While rapidly shredding every single ounce of belly fat and reclaiming my libido, and my masculinity, in just 30 days.

“I’m sorry honey, you’ve just really seemed to be embracing your feminine energy lately.”

When my wife said those words to me, I was shocked.

The whole thing was so surreal…

We were just starting to get intimate…

And she’d told me she had a kinky “surprise” and I should close my eyes.

It was hot…

And as I squeezed my eyes shut – my mind was racing with thoughts about the naughty treat my wife had in store.

But then, it happened.

Suddenly my wife was pulling out a silver box with a red bow…

And when I tore it open…

I felt the lace and silk of a revealing red dress in my hands.

At first, I thought it was for her and I was excited.

But when my wife didn’t move to take it out of my hands…

And when I looked at the tag on the dress and saw that it was a size XL…

Suddenly, I could feel the air being sucked right out of my lungs…

Because I realized the dress was for ME.

“What the hell?” I screamed at Melissa. “What the hell?!?”

I thought it would be obvious that this was freaking me out…

But instead, my wife seemed perplexed.

“I’m sorry honey. You’ve just really seemed to be embracing your feminine energy lately. And I thought maybe a role-reversal would turn you on. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, lots of couples do things to spice up their marriage. You don’t have to be embarrassed”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

I couldn’t believe this was happening…

And I guess my wife could see the absolute disgust in my face…

Because that’s when she burst into tears.

Hi, my name is Frank Kelly…

And while the story I just told you was one of the most humiliating moments of my life, I’m actually glad it happened…

Because it allowed me to finally understand just how badly my low testosterone was affecting the way other people saw me…

Including my wife of 22 years.

In her eyes, I’d stopped being a man and started being some submissive “rag doll”…

And as I stormed out of the bedroom and into the bathroom…

I realized something needed to change FAST.

Up until that moment…

I’d been willfully ignoring all of the symptoms
of my plummeting testosterone…

The man boobs…the big belly…the low sex drive…

How I never felt ambitious or motivated anymore…

The way my workouts had become exhausting and impossible…

And the fact that most of my energy was gone…

Leading me to spend more-and-more time glued to the sofa watching TV.

I must have stayed in the bathroom for at least 15 minutes, recovering from my shock…

And all I could ask was: “what the hell had happened to me?”

I was only 44 years old…

It wasn’t supposed to be like this…

And I needed to find answers FAST.

Little did I know that this fateful moment would set me on a two-year-long journey…

A journey that would EXPOSE me to the dangerous dark side of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy…

And ultimately lead me to a natural yet highly proven way to dramatically boost my testosterone levels and reclaim my manhood…

WITHOUT injections, prescription pills, or supplements.

I’m going to give you this testosterone-boosting
secret right inside this letter…

And you’ll be happy to hear that this also makes it easy to SHRED through belly fat…

Leaving you with a chiseled, movie-star like physique…

Boundless energy…

Legendary erections…

And a powerful sense of confidence and focus.

I know those are some big promises…

But this breakthrough has already been used to transform the bodies and minds of more than 5,700 men across the world…

There’s no reason you can’t be next…

And make no mistake about it:

These are the kinds of changes that people will notice too…

So if your relationship with your lady has become stagnant or stale…

Or if it seems like your co-workers or your buddies don’t respect you anymore…

It’s especially important that you keep reading…

Because what I’m about to share with you is the key
to unlocking your inner Alpha Male…

Restoring your manhood entirely…

And reclaiming your physical prime, regardless of if you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond.

This is about showing you how to build rippling muscles without spending hours in a gym…

It’s about cultivating a razor-sharp mind…

And it’s about enjoying the sex-drive of a horny teenager on ecstasy.

It’s even about both women and men finding it impossible to keep their eyes off of you…

The former because they want you…

The latter, because they want to be you.

Plus, in the next few moments you’ll also discover:

  • The three second “pinch test” that can immediately let you know if you’ve got high levels of estrogen in your body…
  • The bizarre lemon peel trick that helps flush feminizing hormones out of your system…
  • Why a phenomenon called the Estrogen Death Spiral could be the real reason for your low T…
  • And the shocking research that proves men today are up to 25% less masculine than they were a few decades ago (warning: this might freak you out).

All of that, and more, is coming up…

So let’s go ahead and jump right in.

Like I mentioned a minute ago, my name is Frank…

I’m 44 years old and live in the great state of Texas…

And I’ve been married to my wife Melissa for 22 years.

Now I know what you’re thinking…

22 years is a long time…

So is it really any wonder that our sex life had gotten stale?

Well the answer is yeah, it is a surprise…

Because honestly Melissa is smoking hot…

And up until a few years ago, our relationship was the envy of all our friends.

I’m talking about bed-shaking, sheets soaked, make-her-toes-curl sex-sessions at least 4 times a week

And when we weren’t getting dirty…

I was busy strutting through life like a damn tiger king.

Seriously, at the risk of sounding cocky or arrogant…

If you had talked to me 5 years ago, I would have told you I was crushing life…

I had an awesome job where I kept getting promoted…

Killer workouts where I kept getting stronger…

An awesome group of buddies who kept me feeling young…

Along with those aforementioned marathon sessions with my lady.

I was nailing it…

And then everything changed.

Let me know if maybe you can relate to this next part…

You turn 35…or 40…or 45…or whatever age…

And everything gets different.

Suddenly, for the first time in your life you start to feel old…

And it’s subtle at first…

Your energy isn’t quite what it used to be…

You notice that you’re not recovering from workouts like you used to…

Those bedtime sessions with your partner become a little less common…

Your belly gets a little bit bigger than you’re used to…

And you just don’t feel quite as motivated.

That’s the way it was for me after my 40 th birthday…

And at first I did what most guys do…

I ignored these changes and told myself they were just a blip on the radar.

“I’ll just work out harder…I’ll just man up…I’ll be fine…”

That’s what I said to myself…

But that’s not what happened…

Instead, as the years continued to pass by…

The beer belly got bigger and bigger…until I had these globs of fat I could squeeze in my hand…

My energy kept going lower…until I hated getting out of bed in the morning…

My motivation and focus kept fading…until I started getting passed up for new opportunities at work…

And my sex drive went limper and limper…until my poor wife got so desperate that she thought me “dolling up” in a dress was what I secretly wanted.

It was freaking crazy…

But by the time I was 44 years old…

I felt like I was only half the man I’d been previously.

Are you picking up what I’m putting down?

I know that no dude likes to have his manliness challenged, but I want you to be real with me…

Because if you’re here reading this letter, chances are it’s because you know in your gut that something’s not quite right…

And you’ve got an inkling that it might be testosterone related…

Even though you’re not sure what to do about it, or where to start.

Well, if any of that sounds familiar then definitely keep reading…

Because I’m about to show you EXACTLY what’s going on in your body…

Along with a simple, proven way to completely overhaul your natural testosterone production…

Starting nearly instantly…

Without needing to take a single injection or pill.

This is basically the “cheat code” to retaining your masculinity for the next three decades of your life, or longer…

So pay close attention…

Because most guys simply don’t know this secret…

Even though it can transform you from head-to-toe…

And it’s a lot easier than you probably think.

Here’s what happened after that horrible and humiliating night with my wife.

So after that awful moment where my wife thought I wanted to be dominated in the most extreme way…

I was so PISSED…

But after I’d calmed down and I actually talked with Melissa about it…

I was at least able to see where she was coming from.

It turns out Melissa had read some stupid stuff on one of the women’s blogs she followed…

And that’s what had given her the idea to try and “spice things up.”

Well, obviously that blog had been misguided, to say the least…

But as I thought more about what happened…

It was clear that instead of being mad at Melissa…

I should be mad at MYSELF!

I was the one who’d let my manhood slip away…

Nobody else…

And that’s when I knew I needed to make a change FAST.

It was time to reclaim my masculinity…

And to stop letting myself turn into some feminized blob in the eyes of my wife, and the rest of the world.

I wanted to reclaim my birthright…

To get back to feeling like a virile and powerful protector…

To be the man my wife would fantasize about submitting to again-and-again.

So the first thing I did was go online and start looking into Testosterone Replacement Therapy (aka TRT).

It’s probably obvious why I did this…

A declining sex drive, a growing belly, low energy, shitty workouts, no motivation…

I had all of the classic signs of Low Testosterone…

And considering that not a day went by where I didn’t see a billboard…

Or hear a radio ad…

Talking about Low-T and how easy it is to fix…

I figured this was the best place to start.

It turns out though that it’s not quite so simple.

You see, as I began to really study TRT…

I was shocked to discover that there’s a massive
dark side to the testosterone industry…

Something that most guys don’t know about…

But that can have devastating health consequences.

Did you know that multiple studies have found that supplementing with synthetic testosterone actually INCREASES estrogen levels over time?

It sounds crazy, but here’s why:

Your body becomes DEPENDENT on those hits of synthetic testosterone…

So before long, it stops producing any testosterone at all.

That means now you’re relying on injections, pills, or creams for the rest of your life.

So unless you want to commit to spending tens-of-thousands of dollars on testosterone replacement therapy in the years to come…

Then I’d recommend you don’t go this route…

Because the moment you stop taking your regularly scheduled “dose”…

Your masculinity enters a freefall…

And it never recovers.

Freakin’ nuts, right?

Of course, maybe you’re thinking “well I can just take a supplement instead.”

That’s what I thought at first…

I’d seen ads for herbal testosterone boosting supplements all of the time, so I figured some of them have gotta work right?


Based on my research, roughly 90% of the most common ingredients in these testosterone supplements have no human studies behind them…

Plus even for the few ingredients out there that do give you a boost of testosterone…

It’s the same thing as with prescription shots and creams:

Sure, you gain a short-term synthetic boost…

But you do it while sacrificing your body’s ability to produce testosterone forever.

It’s a garbage trade off.

Think about it:

Just like a diabetic needs larger and larger
shots of insulin over time…

You’re going to need larger and larger syringes of testosterone…

Or a stronger-and-stronger cream.

And the second you stop, or that the synthetic T stops working…

It’s the death of your manhood.

Muscles breaking down…testicles shrinking…erections vanishing…

Your belly growing bigger and your man boobs swelling like swimsuit model…

What the hell kind of life is that?

That’s the question I was asking…

And honestly, while I was glad to realize that testosterone replacement therapy is so dangerous…

Because I felt like I’d dodged a bullet…

I was also feeling pretty damn discouraged…

Especially after I got my testosterone levels measured…

And found out my T was indeed below average.

I knew there had to be another option, but I was feeling stuck…

And this might have been where my story ended…

If I hadn’t gotten really damn lucky.

How a golf trip with my buddies led me to a
natural testosterone restoring breakthrough

It was about six months since that awful night with my wife, and I’d just left for a week-long golf trip with my buddies.

Honestly, I hadn’t even wanted to go on this trip…

But my wife Melissa practically forced me…

Saying that it was important I go spend some time with the guys.

Well happy wife = happy life, right?

So I headed out to the desert for a week with my friends…

And thank God I did…

Because what I discovered on this trip would change my life.

You see, in addition to my friends…

There were a handful of other guys on the trip who I’d never met before…

And one of them was a dude named Mike Geary.

Well the moment I met Mike, I knew there was something unique about him…

Because while he was in his mid-forties like me…

That’s where the similarities stopped.

Mike looked, moved, and acted like a
man in his physical prime…

While I looked like some over-the-hill boomer.

I mean it was nuts, the contrast between the two of us was impossible to ignore….

This Mike guy had ZERO body fat that I could see…

His body was covered in muscle…

And he seemed SUPER sharp too.

When we played golf, guess who always had the longest drives?

Yep, Mike.

He’d smash these 330 yard drives down the center of the fairway…

And the guy NEVER seemed to get tired.

In fact, by the time I was getting out of bed…

Mike had already worked out for an hour…

And when I overheard him talking about his love life with some of his buddies…

It was enough to make me blush…

Mike and his wife were banging like a couple of jack rabbits – pretty much daily…

And yet he talked about this stuff like it was completely normal…

As if every dude in his mid-40s just had the sex drive and stamina of a Greek God

I needed to know Mike’s secret…

And thankfully, I got the chance on the third day of our trip…

When Mike and I ended up riding in the same cart for 18 holes.

At first, I felt super awkward bringing anything up…

But after watching Mike smash drive-after-drive…

And seeing how every other guy looked at him with a mix of awe and envy…

I finally got over myself, and just cut to the chase.

“Damn man,” I said. “You’re killing those drives. And honestly it seems like you’re killing it in life too. Whatever it is you’re doing to stay so young – I need to start copying you.”

At first Mike just laughed…

But when he saw how serious I was…

His entire face changed…

And that’s when Mike told me something that changed my life.

“Honestly, it’s probably what I’m not doing
that makes all the difference,” he said.

That confused me…

But when I pressed Mike to explain…

He finally opened up…

And shared the shocking truth about our testosterone levels, and our manhood in general.

Pay careful attention to this next part…

Because it’s going to turn everything you thought you knew about Low-T upside down…

While showing you how to rapidly restore your body’s natural ability to produce a flood of testosterone…

Regardless of how old you are, what kind of shape you’re in, or anything else.

You see, as Mike explained it…

Men across the world are in the
middle of a “Testosterone Crisis…”

Our testosterone levels in a virtual free-fall…

And it’s not natural or normal.

At first I thought Mike was just being dramatic…

But then he told me about a major study…

One where scientists found that testosterone levels have been dropping by about 1% in men since the 1980s.

In other words…

A 60 year-old man in 2004 had testosterone levels that were 17% lower than a 60 year-old man 1987.

And this study is far from the only one.

In another big human study that was just published in 2020…

Researchers found that while the average man had 605 ng/dl of testosterone in 1999-2000…

By 2015-2016 the average man had 451.22 ng/dl of testosterone.

Now don’t worry about the “ng/dl” part, that’s just the unit of measurement…

The part you need to focus on is the massive drop…

From 605 to 451…

That’s a staggering 25% decrease in average testosterone levels between 1999 and 2016…

And remember, that’s in addition to the giant decrease that already started happening in the 1980s.

“Simply put,” Mike said, “we’re about HALF the men we were a few decades ago.

And the reason why has nothing to do with old age.”

That part surprised me…

Because I’d always figured that Low-T was part of getting old…

But, as Mike explained it to me, that’s only a very tiny piece of the puzzle.

If dropping testosterone levels were only due to getting old…

Then why do men today have such lower levels than their counterparts did just a few decades ago?

I had no idea, but Mike did.

“The problem doesn’t start with low testosterone,” Mike said.

“It starts with too much estrogen.”

This is the part that flipped everything on its head…

But it’s also the key to quickly and easily restoring your testosterone to peak levels…

Then keeping them there for as long as you want…

That way you never have to settle for breaking-down or getting “old” (no matter what your biological age)…

So pay close attention.

See, as Mike explained it…

Men today are being ASSAULTED by estrogen-producing chemicals on a relentless basis.

I’m talking about:

  • In your water: Water bottles and other plastic containers are manufactured with a xenoestrogen (an estrogen mimicker) called Bisphenol-A (BPA). The feminizing effects of BPA are widely known…
  • In the meat and milk you’ve eaten since you were a child: Estrogen steroids are used to fatten up livestock…
  • In the fruits & vegetables you eat every day: There’s estrogen in the food due to abundant use of estrogen-like pesticides such as hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) as well in the plasticides when manufacturing eating utensils. There’s also phyto-estrogens in certain foods like soy…
  • In the air you breathe: Even benign things like air fresheners use dangerous estrogen-like chemicals (Think about those car air fresheners releasing estrogen mimickers into the air as you drive…)
  • On the receipts you get every day! Most of the receipts you get from the supermarket, gas station, sporting good stores, etc. are coated in the xenoestrogen BPA

It’s pretty mind-blowing…

But it also explains why men today have such lower levels of testosterone than their peers.

Remember, this all started in the 1980s…

Which is around the same time many of these estrogen producing chemicals began making their way into our daily lives.

Plus, as if that wasn’t bad enough…

We’re also fatter today than we’ve ever been before…

And while that might seem unrelated to low-T and high estrogen…

It’s not.

Actually, this is the most important part of all…

Because as Mike explained it…

Belly fat and estrogen-production go hand-in-hand.

You see, it works like this…

Fat cells in your abdominal region produce an enzyme called aromatase…

And aromatase’s main job is to convert testosterone into estrogen.

So take a second to squeeze your belly.

If there’s any fat there at all…

Then you’ve got a mini-estrogen factory in your gut…

And the more estrogen your body produces…

The less testosterone you have.

Mike calls this the “Estrogen Death Spiral…”

Because the more estrogen you’re producing, the more fat you pack onto your midsection…

And the more fat you pack on…

The more estrogen you produce.

It looks like this:

Belly Fat + Estrogen = Less Testosterone

and Shrinking Muscles + More Belly Fat = More Estrogen…

And the process continues on and on.

Well as Mike finished explaining all of this to me, my mind was blown…

But at the same time, I was also feeling this sense of let down.

“Great,” I said. So you’re telling me I’ve gotta live my life in some bubble to avoid exposure to estrogen? And I’m going to need to go on some crazy diet so I can burn belly fat?

I’ll try it man, but this sounds like it’s going to suck.”

Mike just laughed and shook his head.

“No, it’s actually not that complicated.

And it doesn’t require you to live in a bubble or anything like that.”

He went on to explain that as long as you’re aware of the biggest estrogen culprits that surround you…

It’s easy to avoid 90% of the worst offenders by just making a few small tweaks…

Which is more than half the battle…

Because when it comes to flushing your body free of estrogen, that part’s even easier.

All you have to do is just follow a couple of simple “tricks” that Mike had figured out.

Like this one lemon-peel technique he told me about…

Which is literally as simple as just juicing and drinking the outer peel of a lemon…

Yet this lemon-peel trick can flush estrogen out of your body fast.

All that sounded pretty easy…

But what about the diet and exercise stuff?

“Everybody overcomplicates that too,” Mike said…

Because when it comes to burning fat and boosting testosterone…

All you need is to lift some weights for 15 minutes a few times a week.

In fact, if you’re trying to get MAXIMUM testosterone and fat-burning benefits…

You should probably work out LESS than you are right now.

And when it comes to diet…

Fixing your testosterone levels can be as simple as just choosing fattier cuts of meat at the deli.

“It’s just basic biology,” Mike said.

“Follow these steps to get your body out of the Estrogen Death Loop…

And then you’ll snap back into becoming the testosterone-machine you’re designed to be.”

Mike took out his phone and handed it to me.

“Look, if you’re serious, give me your email…

I’ll send you something I put together back when I first started researching this stuff.

It lays out everything you should do step-by-step.

And if you’re like any of the hundreds of men I’ve shared it with… You’re going to see some pretty wild results.”

That night I raced back to my hotel, eager to see what Mike had sent…

It felt like I finally was about to get some answers.

And escape this bad “feminization nightmare” I was stuck in.

I mean, everything Mike had said made so much sense…

And he practically wore the proof on his body.

If I could just get half of what he had… I knew it’d be worth almost anything.

So as soon I walked into my hotel room, I threw everything down, opened up Mike’s email and started reading.

What I read shocked me.

And pay attention to this next part…

Because I’m about to reveal the truth about your plummeting testosterone…

And the simple way to restore your “T-levels” for good.

You see, as soon as I opened up what Mike gave me…

I started reading all kinds of surprising stuff…

Things like..

  • How a simple 15 minute workout can EVISCERATE belly fat and BOOST testosterone levels by more than 200%.
  • The ancient 1,000 year old “tea” proven to flood your body with powerful Estrogen-blockers that protect your “T-levels.
  • How to hack your brain’s “Pleasure Center” to get harder, more frequent and longer-lasting erections.
  • Why you MUST avoid these 12 “Estrogen Hotspots” lurking in your bathrooms.
  • The daily “MCT Power-Drink” that torches fats, curbs your appetite and releases fresh Testosterone.
  • And so much more…

After reading everything, it felt like the blinders
were finally being taken off my eyes.

I couldn’t believe how much estrogen I was exposed to on a daily basis…

Or how easy the step-by-step system Mike laid out was…

And I was so eager to put it to the test that I started following it that night.

And even though I honestly didn’t expect to see any results…

I have to admit that after a few days I really did start to feel better.

On the last day of the trip I even played one of the best games of golf of my life.

But that was easy to write off as plain old, dumb luck…

So I wasn’t fully convinced just yet.

When I got home, I kept following the plan.

Honestly, it was so easy that I didn’t have to change much of anything.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to see any amazing
results from such simple changes…

But I decided to trust the process.

And I’m glad I did, because by the end of the first week…

I started to notice something incredible.

At first it was just my energy-levels.

Whereas before I’d wake up feeling sluggish and drag my feet for the first 10 minutes of my day…

Now I was fully awake from the moment my eyes opened.

At work, I was filled with more ambition and drive.

Something I’m pretty sure my bosses noticed because they started giving me more attention during meetings…

And letting me oversee more projects.

My mind started to feel sharper than it had in years…

And I was more laser-focused than ever.

After a few weeks I started to notice some physical changes too.

My workouts felt stronger…

And my chest and arms began to pack on more muscle, while my belly shrunk and flattened out.

Honestly, I felt amazing…

Almost like a completely new man.

And it wasn’t long before I was finally getting promoted at work again.

One night, while I was with my wife at the company party celebrating my newest promotion…

I found myself so filled with my old charm, confidence and charisma…

That I went back to being the life of the party again.

I spent the whole night cracking jokes and making people laugh.

And it was like everyone was glued to every word I was saying… just magnetized by my presence.

Everything came to a head that night when I stepped out of the shower.

Melissa came up behind me and started
rubbing my chest, abs and arms…

She bit her lip, leaned into my ear and whispered…

“Frank, when did you get so… big?”

Then she slid her hand down to my crotch, feeling my growing manhood…

“And so… big?”

She giggled.

And right then, it felt like something clicked inside.

Suddenly I was filled with a passion I haven’t felt since I was a teenager…

And in one motion I picked Melissa up, tossed her in our bed and started tearing at her clothes…

That night, we made love like a couple of newlyweds.

I’m talking about that back-scratching, leg-shaking, and backboard-breaking kind of love-making.

I couldn’t tell you the last time I felt such intense passion.

Or had the stamina to go back to back like that.

After everything Melissa completely knocked out…

In the morning she woke up with the biggest, goofiest grin I’ve ever seen…with her eyes as wide as saucepans.

“Last night was amazing, Frank… I didn’t know you still had it in you.”

Later that day, I swear I even heard her telling her friends about our marathon session over the phone.

And I’m not telling you any of this to brag…

But just so you understand how good I felt…

How life-changing it was for me to take back control of my manhood.

And why it makes me so emotional when I think back to how long I lived like a hollowed-out shell of a man.

How I let myself get walked all over…

And accepted the bald-faced lie that my best days were behind me.

Honestly, it makes me angry.

I wonder how many other men felt the way I did.

How many other men were set up to fail by society…

And had no one to tell them the truth about what’s really going on in their body and what to do to fix it.

All these thoughts finally made me pick up the phone and call Mike…

“This stuff is life-changing man…

I mean we have to do something to get it into the hands of more men, right?”

But Mike wasn’t hearing any of it.

After all, he only made the guide for his personal use and never really intended to share it with the public…

Plus, he felt like it gave him an unfair advantage…

And that wasn’t something he was exactly excited to give up.

But after hearing the passion in my voice…

And how much this information had completely changed my life…

And, frankly, after I begged him to release it.

Mike finally gave in.

He even decided to partner with a friend of his — Dr. Richard Cohen — to make sure that every single page was full of the most groundbreaking testosterone research of the last decade…

And while Mike’s step-by-step system was already proven to work…

The two of them spent months perfecting it…

And now, they’ve finally finished it.

Which is why I’m writing to you today…

And why I’m so excited to be the first to introduce it to you.

It’s called…

“The Truth About Testosterone”

And if you’re a man, then this is the single most important guide to TESTOSTERONE RECOVERY you’ll ever find.

Because it contains the only step-by-step system proven to release powerful floods of fresh testosterone directly into your bloodstream…

Allowing you to…

… Skyrocket your “T-Levels” by as much as 260%

… Shed visceral belly fat

… And reclaim your manhood

Simply put — if you’re a man then you MUST get your hands on this program…

Because it’s the only place you’ll find exactly how to escape the “Estrogen Death Spiral” that’s enslaved so many modern men.

And if you follow the simple system it lays out…

In just 4 weeks, you’ll…

  • Wake up with a huge surge of energy every morning…
  • Move through life with laser-like focus and determination…
  • Have diamond-cutting erections and a raging sex-drive…
  • Radiate an “animal magnetism” that attracts women to you…
  • Have a firmer, flatter belly and put on lean muscle mass…
  • Replace feelings of anxiety with unshakeable confidence…
  • And so much more…

Plus, even more importantly…

You should know that…

This system works for every man, no matter how
small, drained or invisible you might feel now…

It doesn’t matter if you haven’t gotten “morning wood” in the last 10 years…

Can barely get aroused with your wife…

Look like the Pillsbury Doughboy…

Or haven’t stepped foot into the gym in years.

The truth is that every man has the capacity to release his deep, inner stores of testosterone because it’s literally been written into your biological programming…

All he needs is a simple, proven system to help unlock it.

Which is exactly what this program shows you how to do.

The “Truth About Testosterone” is so simple that anyone can follow it.

Yet so powerful it can give you results within the first 24 hours.

So let me quickly explain what you’ll find inside the 87 jam-packed pages…

Module One — Fast Testosterone Gains

Everything in this program is designed to give you testosterone-boosting gains fast…

That’s why we included this first module…

So you can get started resurrecting your manhood within the first hour of holding “The Truth About Testosterone” in your hands…

Allowing you to feel the difference in your body almost immediately.

Here’s what you’ll learn…

  • How icing this ONE body part for 60 seconds can stimulate testosterone production by more than 100%. 35.
  • How to boost Muscle-Building “HGH” by over 450% in just 4 minutes with this Japanese “Speed Skating Technique.” 58.
  • The “2-Second At-Home Spit Test” every man should take in order to determine his current “T-Levels…” No doctors, appointments or needles required. Pg. 21.
  • How many of these 6 “Testosterone Robbers” are in your medicine cabinet? Discover which common OTC medicines you absolutely MUST avoid. 32.
  • The 3 deadly “Testosterone Slayers” found in most “health foods” that can lower testosterone by 25%. 31.
  • The single strongest predictor of low testosterone levels (Hint: use this simple “Pinch Test” to find out). 44.
  • EAT MORE BACON. The surprising reason why men should eat MORE, not less fat. (Hint: If more than 50% of your diet isn’t fat, you’re probably not getting enough). 49.
  • The only 5 natural “testosterone boosters” that actually Pg. 65.
  • And more…

Module Two — De-Feminize Your Life

The sad truth is that almost everything we eat, touch, drink and breathe…

… Is absolutely saturated with “estrogen.”

Which is what makes it so hard for men like you and I to escape the “Estrogen Death Loop” that’s strangling our testosterone.

So if you want to recover your masculinity, then you MUST “de-feminize” your life.

And this module shows you exactly how…

You’ll discover…

  • Why this “Testosterone Killer” in your bathroom sink is the reason why most men have more estrogen than their wives. 40.
  • Just how low are your “T-levels?” Take this 13 question quiz to find out… Pg. 20.
  • The dangerous “Nut-Sack Destroyer” that most men hold in their hands every day… (Even just 10-minutes of exposure to THIS leads to massive drops in testosterone and sperm levels). 26.
  • Why cooking in your frying pan can be just as dangerous as inhaling WWII nerve gas… leading to high estrogen levels, excessive body fat and even a 12% reduction in penis size! Pg. 39.
  • The one thing you MUST do in order to protect your brain’s “Testosterone-Center” at the airport. 36.
  • WORSE THAN ESTROGEN… The dangerous “E-Toxin” lurking in the bread aisle. 31.
  • How to AVOID the common “PVC Disruptor” found in most deodorant and shampoos that actually shrink your testiscles. 38.
  • Why you should NEVER buy toothpaste with THIS ingredient… 30.
  • The common breakfast food that makes your body hoard estrogen. 46.
  • And much, much more…

Module Three — Long-Term Testosterone Gains

This module is all about releasing your deep inner-stores of testosterone…

Training your body to start ramping up it’s natural production…

And keeping your “T-Levels” sky-high long into old age.

Here’s what you’ll find…

  • The “5 Estrogen-Flushing Foods” that EVERY man must eat to detox his body from female hormones. 46.
  • The 8 essential workouts for skyrocketing natural T-Levels. 56.
  • The truth about why it’s virtually impossible for men to really lose weight in the 21st century. 14.
  • Natural Viagra? Go to the candy aisle and buy these 7 foods. 68.
  • The surprising reason why American men today have 68% lower sperm count than men in the 1980’s. 18.
  • 75% of American men don’t get enough of THIS mineral… and it’s ravaging their hormone levels. Here’s what to do… 63.
  • How to repair your “Testosterone Thermostat” to force your body to ramp up testosterone production. 16.
  • Can this weird “Korean Cabbage” really restore your sexual health? Find out on 47.
  • And more…

Module Four — Supercharge Your “T-Levels”

Now, we could have just stopped here.

After all, if you only followed the first 3 modules above then you’d already be light-years ahead of other men who don’t have this valuable information.

But Mike and Dr. Cohen were simply NOT content with average…

So they added this last module to give you the tools you need to become near-superhuman and send your “T-Levels” over the top.

Here’s what you’ll discover..

  • The simple “6-4 Breath Trick” that allows you to boost testosterone overnight by 15%. 26.
  • Even men with “high testosterone” can suffer in the bedroom if they don’t fix THIS. 78.
  • The ONE question any man should ask himself before considering hormonal replacement. 19.
  • How to AVOID the destructive “Famine Effect” caused by THIS common breakfast food. 14.
  • Wear THIS type of underwear to raise your testosterone levels. 26.
  • Should you do cardio? The real truth on 27.
  • What your erection says about an early death… If you don’t get morning wood, then you may have a 75% increased mortality rate. Here’s what to do about it. 53.
  • Why you should NEVER work out at night unless you do THIS. 60.
  • How playing poker can boost your testosterone by a full 25% or more. 51.
  • The truth about porn… Does it actually increase testosterone or cause it to plummet? Find out on 53.
  • And more..

All that…

And it’s still only a tiny fraction of everything you’ll discover inside.

The “Truth About Testosterone” truly is…

The 21st Century man’s guide to escaping the
“Feminization Death Trap” of modern life…

It’s the culmination of decades of the combined research and experience of Mike and Dr. Cohen.

And it’s designed to give you the maximum “testosterone gains” in the shortest possible amount of time.

It doesn’t require any weird diets, intense exercise or expensive supplements.

In fact, if you’re like most men who follow this program…

You’ll be surprised to learn that you should actually eat MORE of the food you love.

And exercise even LESS than you are right now.

Now with everything that’s been said…

I want you to think about something for a second.

Do me a favor and really think about it.

Once you’ve gotten your hands on “The Truth About Testosterone,” which you’re just seconds away from doing…

How Good Will It Feel To Have Fresh Currents of
Powerful Testosterone Pulsing Through Your Veins?

To shed your stubborn belly fat… look in the mirror… and see your flat stomach, broad shoulders and muscular arms?

How good will it feel to have your woman touch your body, admire your new physique and ask when your body became so hard…

How will it feel knowing you have the sexual confidence and stamina to ravage her until she passes out…

And have her wake up feeling satisfied and totally lucky to be with you.

How good will it feel to walk into any room and command people’s attention?

To no longer feel anxious, uneasy and small…

But move with the confidence and intensity of a UFC champion?

And to simply feel good all the time…?

Well, that’s what the “Truth About Testosterone” gives you…

Of course, there are lots of ways you could try to get this same feeling…

You could try “Testosterone Pills” — which cost anywhere between $60 and $100 per bottle.

These might be worth it if they actually worked.

But nearly all of them suffer from the same fatal flaw…

None of them can “jumpstart” your body’s own testosterone production…

Instead, they just fill it with more and more “fuel” without ever giving it the spark it needs to boost your “T-Levels…”

Which is just like trying to jump start a car by filling the gas tank — pointless.

You could also try “Testosterone Replacement Therapy…”

But by now you already know how incredibly dangerous this is for your body.

Not only does it “burn out” your T-Receptors…

But it makes you entirely dependent on the treatments..

Because after a while your body simply forgets how to make its own Testosterone…

Meaning that you constantly need more and more of “TRT” just to feel normal.

Leaving you worse than you were before.

Finally, you could try to figure out everything on your own.

But why do that when everything has already been laid out in front of you?

Mike and Dr. Cohen have devoted decades of their lives to breaking down the complicated science of male hormones into a simple step-by-step recovery system…

And now they want to give it all to you…

So why waste time “rediscovering” what they’ve already found?

Especially when “The Truth About Testosterone” is all you’ll ever need to double, triple and even quadruple your T-levels?

So given all of that…

You’re probably wondering what you need to do to get started.

I’ll tell you in a moment…

But before I do, I want to be clear about one thing…

There is nothing else like “The Truth About Testosterone” available anywhere in the world

And this because no one else has the “balls” to put themselves on the line like Mike and Dr. Cohen…

And expose the hidden truth about testosterone that’s been deliberately hidden from you.

I mean just look around…

Has there ever been a time when “masculinity” has been under attack like this?

Where everywhere you turn it’s “toxic masculinity” this and “mansplaining” that…

The truth is doing anything in support of “masculinity” is like putting a big target on your back.

But Mike and Dr. Cohen simply don’t care.

They feel a strong duty to help men around the world…

And they’re not willing to accept “the end of masculinity” that so many seem desperate to bring on.

Which is why I’m personally so passionate about getting this program into as many hands as possible…

Because I never want anyone to go through anything even close to what I went through with my wife…

To feel so humiliated in your own home.

And even if you’ve never gone through anything like I did.

I’m sure you can think back to a time when your wife yelled at you for being “incompetent…”

Or when you felt disrespected by your boss at work…

Or when you simply felt like the whole world was just telling you that you’re not “manly” enough.

Well, today, all that’s going to change.

Because Mike and I have decided to do whatever it takes to make it as easy as possible for you to say “yes” today…

So let’s get down to “brass tacks.”

How much is your health worth you?

Because that’s what we’re talking about here, right?

I mean UC San Diego’s Medical School found that men with low testosterone had a staggering 33% increased risk of death compared to those with high levels.

So we’re talking about your life Something absolutely priceless.

But even if we did try to put a price tag on this program…

All of the benefits you get from the “Truth About Testosterone” would be worth thousands of dollars.

And when you figure that something like Testosterone Therapy can cost between $200 and $300 a month...

When Mike and Dr. Cohen originally set the price for the “Truth About Testosterone” at only $55…

They knew this was an incredibly fair (and low) price.

WAIT! You Qualify For The

70% "Reclaim My Health" Discount...

(Applying Now)


While we do think that $55 is more than an incredible bargain…

We didn’t want anybody to have any excuse to pick up a copy of this program today.

Which is why, for a limited time only…

We’re going to slash your investment price for
“The Truth About Testosterone” by more than 60%!

So you won’t pay anywhere near $55 for the program.

You’re not going to pay $30…

You’re not even going to pay $20…

Your 70% Discount Expires In…

No if you act TODAY, before the timer on this page runs out…

You’re going to get “The Truth About Testosterone” for only $15.

Think about that…

That’s less than one-month membership at the gym…

Yet it has the potential to change your entire life.

So Get Started NOW By Clicking the
Big Colorful Button Below

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When you do, you’ll be taken to a 256-bit encrypted checkout page where you can complete your order.

This form takes less than two minutes and your information is protected by the same industry-standard security used by sites like Amazon and Ebay.

Once you hit “Enter” on that page, you’ll be granted INSTANT ACCESS to “The Truth About Testosterone”…

So you can immediately begin reading it from your smartphone, I-Pad or computer…

And if you choose to order a physical copy of the program…

Then we’ll send that to you right away in a discreet package.

Immediately you can start reading about the lost-science of the male body and its hormones.

And put what you learn into practice that day…

But if you want to take advantage of this rare DISCOUNT we’re giving you, then MUST ACT immediately.

So DON’T HESITATE and click the button below now to get started.

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Now, with everything that’s going on in the world right now…

I know that you want to make sure every penny of your money is invested wisely…

And only into things that are guaranteed to get you results.

So, if you’re still unsure about “The Truth About Testosterone,” there’s one more thing you should hear about…

And you’re really going to like this one…

It’s a 60-Day, No-Questions-Asked,
No-BS, Money-Back GUARANTEE!

Here’s how it works.

Right now, you simply say “MAYBE” to “The Truth About Testosterone.”

Click the button you see below, and claim instant access to this life-changing program and the step-by-step system contained inside.

You will be SHOCKED by how easy it is…

And AMAZED by how good you feel within just the first 24 hours of putting this information to work…

Go through this system in FULL, as many times as you need.

And if, for any reason, you don’t feel like double the man you feel right now.

Send a quick email to Mike’s customer support team.

And you’ll get every penny back right away.

No questions asked. No hard feelings. No delay on returning your money.

And yes, I mean any reason.

So as long as you email Mike’s team within 60 days after receiving your purchase…

You’ll receive every last dime of your investment.

Why are we offering this?

Simply because we’re fed up with how men are being treated…

We’re fed up with all the lies and shame being thrown at them just for being men.

So we’re making this offer as strong as possible.

And taking on ALL of the risk….

Because we know that if you put this program to practice… you will see incredible results.


Before you go down to click the “checkout” button below…

We want to “sweeten the deal” even more
by adding 3 FREE bonuses to your order…

FREE GIFT #1 — Discover the Secret of Optimum Cellular Health and Maximum Male Vitality – a $19.95 value, Yours FREE!

This must-have report reveals the male vitality secret that can supercharge your health and performance by directing more oxygen to every cell in your body – improving circulation… lung capacity… heart health… energy levels… memory and concentration… and sexual performance.

Inside its pages, you’ll discover…

  • The ONE BIG REASON why your sexual performance and enjoyment suffers as you age – and the easy way to bring some excitement back into the bedroom again…
  • Four surprising reasons why Viagra and other ED drugs are NOT your long-term solution for erectile dysfunction – and what you should be doing instead…
  • Nitrate-rich vegetables to include in your daily diet that will help boost your nitric oxide (NO) levels… power up your sex life… and improve your overall health…
  • The great-tasting lozenges that boost the uptake of nitrates in your body by as much as 10 times – and supercharge NO production for greater performance in the bedroom…
  • And many more Nitric Oxide secrets that power up your manhood and help REVERSE erectile problems!

FREE GIFT #2 — A Man’s Food for Thought – a $9.95 value, FREE!

It’s time to say goodbye to dieting, starvation and calorie-counting. This revolutionary report reveals the REAL foods you should be eating – to get the essential nutrients you need for physical, mental and sexual health. You’ll discover…

  • The nutrient-dense foods that should be the foundation of your daily diet – including healthy fats that have gotten a bad rap in the past…
  • “Supportive” foods that offer tasty variety to your meals – and the four types that should be used in limited portions…
  • The “healthy” sugar alternatives you should AVOID like the plague – and what you should be using as sweeteners instead…
  • The Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that men who ate a high-fat, low-fiber diet had testosterone levels that were 13% higher than men who ate a low-fat, high-fiber diet. Here’s the secret meal plan…
  • Why you should severely limit your consumption of healthy grain alternatives – such as barley, kamut and spelt – and why you should avoid wheat altogether…
  • The “phony” foods that provide calories and little else of value – why they should be avoided if you want to experience improved health…

FREE GIFT #3 — The Testosterone Quick-Start Guide – a $7.95 value, FREE!

You might not have time to read through the entire “The TRUTH About Testosterone” program today – but that doesn’t mean you can’t get begin optimizing your hormones and reviving an active, enjoyable sex life today.

This easy-to-follow guide gives you SEVEN SIMPLE ACTION STEPS to get you started – so you can immediately begin to improve your cellular health… restore your manhood… and fire up your sexual performance.

So now that you’ve seen everything you get when you order “The Truth About Testosterone”…

Including all 3 of the FREE Bonuses I’m giving you that add that up to nearly $37.85…

As well as the incredible discount that allows you get everything for only $15.

It’s Time To Go Ahead and Order Your Copy Now!

Your new life is just behind the button below…

And you’re protected by an unconditional 100% guarantee, so there’s no risk.

But remember…

This special pricing is only available while this timer is still up.

After that the price will go back up to the full price of $55…

So act now!

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So what happens next?

Well, that’s your call.

You could choose to click away from this page and bury your head in the sand…

All the while you’ll continue to expose yourself to the toxic “feminizing hormones” that surround you…

Sucking you deeper and deeper into the “Estrogen Death Loop..”

Leaving you with a flabby belly and man boobs…

A low libido and soft erections…

And an overall sense that life is simply passing you by.

Friend, that’s not a fate I want for you.

I know how badly you crave to resurrect the true man within…

The inner man that makes you feel alive with purpose, passion and destiny.

I know what it’s like to be filled with a desperate desire to feel confident, powerful and assured once again.

To be a stud in the bedroom…

And a force to be reckoned with in the workplace…

That’s why “The Truth About Testosterone” exists.

And it’s why I urge you to click the button below to simply TRY this program, completely risk-free.

Months from now, you’ll gaze into the mirror and see a stronger, more confident version of yourself staring back.

And look back on this moment knowing it was one of the greatest decisions you’ve ever made.

And that ’s the fate that I do want for you.

That’s your life with “The Truth About Testosterone.”

And today — if you ACT RIGHT NOW — you can get it for far less than the price of ONE dinner out.

So click the button below.

There’s never been a better time to do this than right now.

And since you’re covered by an unconditional guarantee — there’s NO downside.

You either love everything inside the “Truth About Testosterone” AND get results that go beyond your wildest expectations…

…or you pay nothing.

Are you ready?

Then take decisive action and put yourself in control right now.

Click the button below and get started…

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Yours in good health,

Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist

and Dr. Richard Cohen, M.D.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still got questions?

Before getting “The Truth About Testosterone,” I want to make sure you’re completely clear about everything that’s included.

So I put together some of the most questions I’ve gotten about “The Truth About Testosterone,” so you can feel comfortable about your order.

1.What’s the “Estrogen Death Spiral” again? And how does “The Truth About Testosterone” help me break it?

Look, I’ll give it to you straight.

The average man is literally assaulted by tons of Estrogen every single day.

It’s in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the liquids we drink… Not to mention hidden in everyday objects from our shower curtains to our receipts.

When the male body is exposed to estrogen like this — fatigue, weight gain, muscle loss and brain fog are just some of the inevitable results. It’s basic cause and effect.

Plus, estrogen leads to excess belly fat. And this belly fat releases an enzyme called “aromatase.” This enzyme’s entire function is to turn your testosterone into estrogen.

See the vicious cycle?

Too much estrogen leads to plummeting testosterone and belly fat. And that same belly fat leads to the production of even more estrogen. And the cycle continues on and on.

This is where “The Truth About Testosterone” comes in.

It’s the only system designed to help you break this toxic estrogen-cycle, and flood your body with fresh, life-giving testosterone.

Doing this helps you lose fat and gain muscle, boost energy levels, restore your sex drive and feel decades younger.

2.Does it take a lot of work?

No. And Mike and Dr. Cohen were very clear about this.

They know that it’s not realistic to just separate yourself off from the world, no matter how full of estrogen it is. Nor can you afford to spend hours in the gym every day. So they designed their system to be as simple, effective and easy-to-follow as possible.

Here’s what I mean. All you have to do is follow the steps they’ve carefully laid out to avoid 90% of the worst “estrogen culprits” around you. This already puts you in the top 10% of men.

Then, as you continue to follow their system, you’ll discover easy ways to flush your body free of estrogen and put your body back into testosterone-producing mode. From there it becomes almost automatic to keep high “T-levels” well into your old age.

3.How long will it take me to see results?

Well, every body is different. But “The Truth About Testosterone” was designed to get you results FAST.

That’s why Mike and Dr. Cohen included the “Quick Start Guide” to help you get fast testosterone gains within the first 24 hours.

After that, if you’re like most men who use this program, you’ll continue to see greater results in your mood, energy levels and physique every day use this program. By the 30-day mark, most men enter their peak-testosterone levels.

4.How does the guarantee work again?

Just like this. You have a full 60 days to try out “The Truth About Testosterone” for yourself. That means full, unrestricted access for 2 months.

Then, if you change your mind about this investment at any time over the next 60 days (and for any reason), just send an email to [email protected], and we’ll refund your entire investment with no questions asked.

5.How long will it be available?

It’s our goal to get this program into the hands of as many men as possible.

However, there’s no denying that our current culture is extremely hostile towards anything that empowers men to be more masculine.

And while I’m not trying to be conspiratorial or anything… Given everything that’s going on in the world, I wouldn’t be surprised if you came back to this page only to find it got taken down.

Plus, there’s the constant threat of the 1.3 Billion Dollar testosterone-industry which would like nothing more than to keep this information from millions of men.

So that’s why it’s so important for you to act now and get this program while you still can.

6.Okay I’m ready to get the “The Truth About Testosterone.” What now?

It’s easy…

Simply click the yellow button you see below this video right now.

Take a few seconds to enter your information on our SECURE checkout page and complete your order.

As soon as you do, you’ll get INSTANT access to the entire program and all of the bonuses.

And you can begin restoring your testosterone as soon as tonight.

I’m confident that you’ll be amazed by how you look and feel.

Plus, you’re protected by an unconditional, 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee… So there’s absolutely no risk.

So go ahead and place your order now…

That way you can begin to get back the testosterone that’s rightfully yours.

Dr. Richard Cohen, M.D. has been using diet, nutritional supplements, natural hormones, and hormone precursors to improve health and performance for countless men over the past decade. He graduated with honors from Duke University and obtained his medical degree from Hahnemann Medical University in Pennsylvania. Dr. Cohen is a member of several professional organizations, including the American College for the Advancement of Medicine and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. [ix]

Mike Geary has been a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer for 15 years – but he’s been studying nutrition and exercise for almost 25 years now. He is the author of the bestselling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs – which has sold over 1 million copies in several languages, as well as the best-sellers The Fat Burning Kitchen, Do This, Burn Fat: 101 Sneaky Fat Loss Tricks, and The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging.