February 8, 2025

Attn: Men and women who are sick of living with a “diabetes life sentence” hanging over their heads…

How Losing One Single Gram of Fat from Your Pancreas Can Get You Off Medication and Reverse Your Type II Diabetes Forever

…Without Dangerous Gastric Bypass Surgery, Drugs That Only Manage Symptoms, or Extreme Diets


  • How losing just ONE gram of fat can reverse your Type II Diabetes or pre-diabetes, stop damage to your vital organs, and heal your body in just a few short weeks…
  • How to make a few simple changes that still allow you to enjoy your favorite foods …while burning through your most visceral body fat
  • Get off the rollercoaster of negative side effects from the “band-aid fix” of medications and insulin injections…and stop spending upwards of $6700 a YEAR on diabetes medical solutions

Keep reading to see how this surprising scientific blood sugar breakthrough can STOP the terrible cycle of vital organ damage, reverse Type II Diabetes and get you off insulin and other medications forever.

by Mike Geary, aka ‘The Nutrition Watchdog’
Certified Nutrition Specialist, Best-Selling Author
February 8, 2025

Dear Friend,

I want to tell you about a story I heard recently from my friend.

It’s about her 65-year-old diabetic mother Nancy and it’ll make your blood run cold.

Nancy has had Type II Diabetes for over a decade…

And doctors immediately put her on metformin, which has caused her all sorts of problems from nasty side effects like gastrointestinal issues, skin rashes, muscle weakness, dizziness, and weight gain.

Between the meds, and the fact that she needed to follow strict rules around her diet and physical activity…

Nancy felt so limited by what she could do in her life.

She HATED being on a constant schedule of needing to check her blood glucose level multiple times a day. 8

Pricking herself between 4 to 10 times a day to get a drop of blood was just not a life she would wish on anyone…

It was painful, messy, and it meant that Nancy couldn’t go anywhere without her electronic blood sugar monitor.

Sometimes Nancy would miss her doses too of metformin too, and her anxiety would skyrocket…

Yet overall, this woman was trying her best to manage her blood sugar…

Which is why she was entirely blindside by what her doctor told her during what was supposed to be a routine checkup:

“There’s no easy way to say this…but you’re going blind in one eye and are in danger of losing sight in the other…”

“Not only that, this blindness is an indicator that the overall blood circulation in your body is poor. While we can already see that your retina isn’t getting enough blood flow…We are also concerned that the poor circulation will increase the nerve damage in your feet and lead to skin ulcers.”

While that was still sinking in, the doctor continued…

“Skin ulcers typically don’t heal well in diabetics and may worsen very quickly. This could lead to amputation of a toe, or your entire foot, or even your leg. That could be the only way to stop the severe damage to tissues and bone.”

Nancy’s mind raced with nightmare visions of herself in a wheelchair…

She couldn’t stop imagining what it would be like to have amputated lower legs for the rest of her life…

To be totally helpless and dependent on others for her basic care…

Nancy started sinking into despair.

Worst of all, Nancy felt betrayed.

Her doctor had initially made it sound like the medication would take care of everything if she just kept taking it…

But in a moment, it seemed like everything had changed.

Hi, I’m Mike Geary.

I’ve been a nutrition expert and researcher for more than 25 years…

I’m a best-selling offer with more than 1.2 million books sold…

And I made this website for folks who can relate to Nancy’s story…

Either because they’ve received their Type II Diabetes life-sentence already…

Or because they are prediabetic, and they know that it’s only a matter of time until things get out of control.

No matter which camp you fall into, I’m here to tell you that there is GOOD NEWS…

Because today, inside this game-changing new report…

You’re doing to discover the head-turning root cause of Type II diabetes and pre-diabetes…

And even more importantly…

You’ll also be handed a simple, failproof approach approach to fixing your blood sugar from the inside out…

Restarting healthy insulin production in your pancreas…

Lowering your A1C…

And even reversing Type II diabetes in as little as a few short weeks.

Now I know that might seem a bit hard to believe at first…

Because, if you’re like most folks, you’ve probably been told that your high blood sugar is a life sentence…

Something that you can manage, but never reverse…

Today I’ll prove that’s a big fat lie…

A myth that’s been pushed by the $245 billion diabetes industry to keep you hooked and dependent on their expensive injections and medications…

Even as your health continues to decline…

Your blood sugar levels continue to spike…

Your weight goes up-and-up…

And you begin to lose hope.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Because in the next few minutes…

You’ll see a scientifically proven way to REVERSE your high blood sugar, Type 2 Diabetes, and pre-diabetes…

And drop several pounds of stubborn belly fat while you do it…

Without having to resort to pills, needles, or supplements.

It’s all thanks to the discovery of a dangerous new protein that’s hidden in your pancreas…

And you’ll hear more about that in just a moment…

Plus, in the next few minutes from now, you’ll also discover:

  • How losing just 0.5 grams of fat inside your body could reverse your Type II diabetes or prediabetes in as little as two weeks.
  • Why something called “The Toxic Butterfly Effect” is the real reason Type II Diabetes is so dangerous (and how it leads to cancer, Alzheimer’s, blindness, and more ).
  • And the startling “common thread” between Mad Cow Disease, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s…

Along with so much more.

So stick with me for the next few minutes and I promise this will change your life…

By giving you a simple yet PROVEN way to reverse your high blood sugar while burning stubborn belly fat…

And to do it without dieting or starving yourself, buying any supplements, or needing to step foot inside the gym.

To date, 47,012 folks from around the world have already done exactly that…

And now it’s your turn to join these folks…

While turning your diabetes nightmare into nothing but a distant memory…

So let’s begin!

Like I mentioned a minute ago, my
name is Mike Geary…

I’m a health advocate, nutrition expert, and researcher.

I’ve also written 5 best-selling books about human health that have sold more than 1.2 million copies worldwide…

And I’m the owner of Paleohacks, which is the #1 Paleo Community on the Internet…

As well as a contributing author and advisor to The Alternative Daily and DanetteMay.com, and others.

It’s fair to say that I’m pretty obsessive about health, diet, and nutrition…

I’ve dedicated my life to this stuff…

Which is why…

When I first heard about this newly published discovery from an all-star team of German Scientists…

Reporting the discovery of a shocking new cause of Type II Diabetes hidden inside our pancreas…

I knew that I needed to write up this report and get it to you right away.

If you’ve been struggling with high blood sugar for any amount of time now…

Whether it’s 6 months, or 16 years…

This new breakthrough could very well be the answer to your prayers…

Something that lowers your high blood sugar, normalizes insulin production…

And that could quickly, and permanently, free you from the shackles of diabetes.

We’ll get to that discovery in just a few seconds…

But in order to understand why this breakthrough is so important…

There’s something very important that I need for you to understand:

Why high blood sugar can lead to something I call the “Toxic Butterfly Effect”

The “Toxic Butterfly Effect” is a phenomenon that can wreck your health from the inside out…

Killing your vital organs, destroying your skin, sapping away your energy, sabotaging your sleep, snuffing out your sex drive, and so much more.

The Toxic Butterfly Effect also drastically increases your chances of getting all kinds of awful diseases like Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Parkinson’s Dementia and more…

So pay close attention here…

Because right now I’m going to explain how this Toxic Butterfly Effect works…

And then, right after…

I’ll show you how you can STOP it from happening in your body…

While getting your blood sugar levels to under 100 in less than two weeks…

And potentially even becoming diabetes free.

You see, when you have a lot of sugar “stuck” in your bloodstream…

It’s kind of like if you were to pour a bunch of gritty, grainy sand into the fuel tank of your car.

Not only would that sand destroy the gas tank….

But as the sand circulates throughout the car…

It scratches and bumps against all the different parts of the car…

Wrecking the car’s insides and destroying the engine too.

Well, much like those grains of sand…

When high levels of blood sugar travel through your body…

They irritate and inflame the lining of your blood vessels – including your primary arteries and your smallest capillaries…

Which causes tears, cuts, and other forms of damage.

And to combat this irritation and damage…

Your body sends cholesterol to seal and sooth your inflamed vessels.

Over time though….

Too much cholesterol clogs your blood vessels and artery walls…

Which leads to heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke…

Which is why Type II diabetes and heart disease are so closely linked…

Because when your blood sugar is high, it puts a TON of stress on the vessels and other parts of your heart.

And that’s just the start…

This same process of damage and inflammation from high sugar also happens in your kidneys, your eyes, your brain, your sexual organs, and really throughout your entire body.

And it gets worse too…

Remember: when your body is having insulin issues, it means sugar stays stuck floating through your body and inflaming everything it comes into contact with…

Just like the gritty grains of sand in our gas tank analogy.

Well, all of that inflammation leads to the release of massive amounts of free radicals.

And these free radicals then begin to circulate throughout your body too, attacking your cells and your DNA…

And when DNA in your cells get damaged, they can stop replicating properly, or grow out of control, which increases the possibility of cancer.

So it’s no wonder those with Type II diabetes:

  • Have an increased risk of getting several forms of cancer… 1
  • May have a 250% increased risk of Dementia… 2
  • And makes you up to 400% more likely to develop heart disease! 3

This is why I like to tell people that high blood sugar creates a “toxic butterfly effect” in the body…

Where even when you do seemingly harmless stuff…

Like consuming hidden sugars that are added to fruit juices, certain condiments, and even some brands of bread…

Over time, those daily doses of sugar add up…

And they lead not just to high blood sugar and type two diabetes…

But also to Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, ED, and so much more.

Now I’ll share more about some common foods that are loaded with hidden globs of sugar in a few moments…

But needless to say, this Toxic Butterfly Effect sucks…

And what’s crazy is that I could go on-and-on here…

And tell you how it also removes oxygen from your blood cells…

Starving your brains, eyes, heart, and limbs…

And frequently leads to nail fungus and skin infections too…

Even as it depletes your kidneys of essential nutrients.

All of this is true…

But I’m pretty sure you get the point…

Especially if you’ve ever found yourself lying in bed at night…

Your mind racing with pictures of your spouse, your children, or your grandchildren…

Or with thoughts about your bucket list – and how you’ve still got so much left to see and do.

The anxiety and terror that comes from out-of-control blood sugar levels…

I know, it’s really awful…

And it can leave you feeling like you’re stuck, and you don’t know what to do.

Well, there is hope…

And as you’ll see in a moment…

It’s actually SHOCKINGLY simple to reverse high blood sugar and say goodbye to Type II diabetes.

In June of 2020, I finally found the missing piece of the puzzle…

Something that can give virtually anyone with prediabetes, Type II diabetes, or erratic blood sugar an entirely new lease on life…

And even allow them to REVERSE their high blood sugar in many cases.

Even better, this is something you can do without having to starve yourself…

Eating like a rabbit…

Or really making any unpleasant changes to your lifestyle at all.

So what is this discovery?

It’s all thanks to the work of 3 Nobel Prize Winning Scientists,

And it has to do with the buildup of dangerous proteins inside your pancreas.

These proteins are called amyloids…

And if that word, amyloids, sounds familiar…

It’s because amyloids are the same dangerous proteins that are found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s.

Yet while we’ve known about amyloids in the brain for some time now…

It was only after the Nobel-Prize winning invention of a new type of microscope…

Called a cry-electron microscope…

That scientists were able to peer deeply enough into the pancreas to see an accurate picture of what was going on.

And when a team of German scientists finally did this in June of 2020…

What they saw immediately took everything we know about Type II Diabetes and flipped it on its head.

Right there, in plain view for the first time…

These German scientists saw remarkable buildups of amyloids inside the pancreases of individuals who had high blood sugar…

And worst still…

They saw that these amyloids were actively killing the Beta Cells in these people’s pancreases…

Which is a nightmare…

Since Beta Cells are the specific cells that produce insulin!

So can you understand why this is such a big deal?

What this study shows…

…Is that unless we stop the buildup of dangerous amyloids in our pancreas…

It can be impossible for our pancreas to produce insulin!

So in other words…

What I realized is that reversing Type II Diabetes isn’t rocket science…

You simply need to destroy the build-up of these dangerous amyloid proteins in your pancreas…

That way our insulin production goes back to normal.

And armed with that knowledge, I went to work…

Determined to develop a simple method that I could give to my clients…

And that would reverse their diabetes and get their blood sugar levels under control.

As I started doing more research, I saw that there were certain foods and drinks…

Along with certain strategies for eating…

That had been shown in rigorous scientific studies to reduce the buildup of amyloids.

For example, a team of scientists from Washington University found that drinking pomegranate juice has been associated with lower levels of amyloids… 8

Which is exciting – although just like with any fruit juice you do need to watch out for the sugar content…

And there’s also compelling evidence that high fat diets like keto can help lower amyloid levels too.

So that’s great…

But I also realized right away that if I really wanted to help people…

I’d need to create something that was more step-by-step, and LESS restrictive, than the keto diet.

This needed to be a flexible framework…

A new way of eating…

Where you have TONS of options to pick from…

Yet you can still drop several pounds of stubborn belly fat…

While seeing your blood sugar go back down to prediabetic levels.

Foods like…

  • Guacamole Deviled Eggs…
  • Hearty, beefy, chili…
  • Delicious cinnamon and vanilla pancakes that are topped with berries…
  • Ice cream, potatoes, rice, pasta, whole milk and yogurt, beans, oats, and other grains…
  • And of course, plenty of delicious proteins like steak and salmon…
  • Along with tasty super-fats like coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and avocado oil.

Do you think you could eat foods like the ones I just mentioned regularly and feel full, happy and satisfied?

If the answer is “yes”…

Then it means that you can dramatically lower your blood sugar, burn through all of your belly fat, and change your life…

Because those are all foods you can eat in the two-part system that I created.

So right now…

I’m going to hand that system over to you…

And as you’re going to see right away…

This is NOT some restrictive diet where you were told to say goodbye to every food you love forever.

Instead, I’ve simply taken the best elements of the keto diet, the paleo diet, the carnivore diet…

And other science-backed modes of eating…

Combined them together…

And created a simple, fail-proof system where you can eat like a KING or a QUEEN…

Yet still quickly begin to burn fat

Unclog your pancreas…

And cleanse yourself of the dangerous buildup of amyloids and other toxins that can kill your insulin-producing beta cells.

It’s called The Diabetes Fix.

And I created it with my dear friend Catherine Ebeling, who has her Masters of Science in Public Health Nursing.

Together, Catherine and I spent over a year working on this ultimate, systematic approach to reversing high blood sugar…

And we are so excited to share it with you today.

The Diabetes Fix is a new, flexible, and easy way of eating…

Something that gives you a simple, two-step system that ANYONE can follow…

Along with plenty of delicious recipes that are fast, inexpensive, and easy to make…

But that are proven to help you burn fat, improve blood sugar, and support the health of your pancreas.

Following this program couldn’t be easier…

And yet, once you begin using this breakthrough for yourself…

It becomes virtually impossible for you not to burn through stubborn body fat…

Or to drop below your personal fat threshold…

While cleansing your pancreas of those dangerous amyloids…

And restoring it to its full, insulin-producing potential.

With the Diabetes Fix you’ll start normalizing your blood sugar on the very first day…

And in the weeks that follow…

You’ll find that your numbers only get better and better…

Even as your insulin resistance disappears…

And your nagging diabetes complications become nothing but a distant memory!

Even better…

The Diabetes Fix shows you how to reverse high blood sugar WITHOUT having to count calories…

And WITHOUT having to put restrictions on your portion size or how much you’re eating…

And that’s one of the big reasons this system works…

Because even if you’ve tried other programs in the past and ended up bitter and disappointed…

When you can eat as much delicious food as you want, and still lower your blood sugar while losing weight…

It’s easy to want to stick with it.

Here’s just a small glimpse of what you’ll find inside The Diabetes Fix:

  • The 1 “Magic Bullet” that the New England Journal of Medicine says can reverse Type II Diabetes in the vast majority of individuals…
  • Why smothering vegetables and meat in melted butter and sea salt can be one of the BEST ways to reduce your risk of diabetes, heart attack, and stroke…
  • The surprising reason drinking up to 4 cups of coffee per day can reduce your risk of diabetes by 56%…
  • The “Snacker’s Secret” for eating your way to lower blood sugar. If you can take three seconds to look at food’s label before putting it into your shopping cart, you can use these guidelines and change your life.
  • Why you can actually eat plenty of beans, cheeses, and eggs and still lower your blood sugar and cholesterol as you do it. Plus, you’ll see why having whole milk, or the occasional bowl of ice cream is 100% fine too!
  • The terrifying artificial estrogen hormone that big food companies are now LOADING into foods, cosmetics, and other household products…And how adding one simple and tasty vegetable to your diet can stop this hormone from wrecking your health.
  • The “Succulent Six” fruits that are better than all of the others when it comes to lowering high blood sugar. I’ll give you a hint: most of them are berries and they go great when mixed together with Greek Yogurt!
  • The truth about chocolate, and why eating one certain type regularly could be the key to suppressing your appetite, improving your mood, lowering blood sugar, and helping to control blood glucose levels.
  • Plus, did you know that a single glass of red wine contains as many active ingredients as some anti-diabetic drugs? It’s true, and inside The Diabetes Fix you’ll see which types of red wine are best for keeping blood sugar levels in check…

And The Diabetes Fix will also give you:

  • The 14 Supplements that are actually PROVEN to fight diabetes. There’s a lot of controversy around supplements, and it can be hard to know which ones are useful and which are overhyped. That’s why we’ve taken the time to do all the research for you, and then provided a list of the 14 supplements that have been shown in REAL studies to help lower blood sugar levels fast.
  • Why the director of obesity research at Harvard’s Joslin Diabetes Center says following a low-fat diet can be the WORST thing to do if you want to lower blood sugar and lose weight.
  • The #1 Most Dangerous Form of Sugar. It’s not found in cookies, candy, or any of the other treats you eat….and yet a study involving 92,000 women found that just a tiny amount of this one type of sugar can increase your risk of diabetes by up to 82%.
  • The definitive list of delicious spices that act as superfoods for your health. We’ve even gone ahead and broken down these spices into different categories for you including Blood Sugar and Insulin Stabilizers, Anti-Stress, Heart Health, Anti-Aging, Immune Support, and Mood Boosters.

Along with:

  • 5 Little Known Tests that can give you a better picture of your blood sugar than a standard glucose test (Ask your Doctor For These Right Away)
  • The real reason why needing to pee regularly is so dangerous (HINT: it has nothing to do with dehydration)…
  • And the “Deadly 13” – A list of supposedly “healthy foods” that are secretly LOADED with hidden sugar. A few of those you may have heard of, like ketchup. But others, like hot dogs, may surprise you. You’ll get the full list inside.

And all of this still barely scratches the surface.

Because remember, in addition to everything I just mentioned…

The Diabetes Fix gives you a simple, easy-to-follow program for reversing high blood sugar and healing your pancreas FAST.

In Phase I…

You’ll be purging your pancreas of the amyloids and toxins that can kill your natural insulin production…

And this phase typically lasts 1-2 weeks.

During Phase I you’ll be drinking plenty of water…

But this isn’t some kind of fasting diet or cleanse.

Actually, you’ll be eating lots of yummy proteins during Phase I…

And you’ll also be given plenty of “Meals in Minutes” recipes…

So you’ll know EXACTLY what to eat for these first two weeks.

Some of the recipes and meals you can choose from in Phase I include:

  • Mini Quiche Eggs with bacon, ham, and hot sauce…
  • Flax and Berry Pancakes with Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg…
  • And Morning smoothies with coconut milk, stevia, berries, and protein powder for breakfast.
  • Deli style “sandwiches” and Tuna Salad Avocado Boats
  • Grass Fed Beef Burgers…
  • Wild Salmon Veggie Stir Fry…
  • Chili Chicken…
  • My South of the Border Salad.

And even better…

In Phase I you’ll notice that many of the breakfast and lunch options can incorporate leftovers to help you save money…

Plus, you’ll also be shown plenty of options for both mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks…

And there are even several options for dessert!

Do you think you could eat the foods I just listed for two weeks?

If so, then here’s my promise to you:

By the time you finish Phase I of The Diabetes Fix your fasting glucose levels will be UNDER 100…

Which puts you in a category of being essentially FREE of diabetes already!

And then, things will only get better…

Because next we move into Phase II of The Diabetes Fix…

Where we’ll introduce some complex carbohydrates back into your diet…

And expand your menu options EVEN MORE…

So you can still enjoy dairy, whole milk, yummy real ice cream, and other foods you probably thought were ‘off limits” if you want to reverse Type II Diabetes…

But that are totally fine in moderation, and when eaten in the correct way.

Phase II is all about optimizing YOUR diet to fit your lifestyle and your needs.

Which is why you’ll see exactly how to reintroduce more carbs, more dairy, and even some sugars, back into your diet…

While keeping the weight you’ve lost off…

And keeping your pancreas healthy and producing a normal amount of insulin.

  • Oats, buckwheat, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, 7 different types of four, Ezekiel Bread, Barley, numerous types of beans, whole grain brown rice pasta…
  • Along with sweet potatoes, white potatoes, hummus, ice cream, full fat milk and cheese, Greek yogurt, and plenty of varieties of fruit…

You might be surprised that you can eat all of these things…

And yet you really can.

And the good news is that when you combine foods like the ones I just listed…

With all of the delicious superfoods and proteins from Phase I of The Diabetes Fix…

You’ll find the pounds melting off…

Your blood sugar levels continuing to normalize…

And your doctor scratching his or her head, asking “how the hell did you do this?”

It’s true…

And the reason is related to the same reason that diets like Paleo, Keto, and Carnivore all get people such awesome results…

It’s NOT about limiting your menu options, or restricting calories…

It’s about avoiding certain so-called ‘healthy foods’ that are actually causing your belly to swell…and loading your pancreas with amyloids and other dangerous toxins.

Just cut those small handful of foods out, which I show you how to do inside The Diabetes Fix…

And I promise you: getting your blood sugar levels back to normal…

While even reversing the symptoms of your Type II Diabetes entirely…

Becomes really damn easy.

In fact, to date more than 47,012 women and men have already used The Diabetes Fix
to do just that, but…
The Diabetes Fix can only be found on
this website…

And I cannot guarantee how long I’ll be able to make it available to the public for.

I know, that sounds dramatic…

But let’s be honest:

The diabetes industry is worth more than a quarter of a TRILLION dollars annually…

And I don’t think it’s any secret that a lot of big medical companies don’t want you to know how easy it is to reverse your Type II Diabetes…

Because it would mean an end to their red-soaked blood money nearly overnight.

Which is why…

If you do want to get The Diabetes Fix…

And finally have a simple, easy-to-follow, and step-by-step program that could END your blood sugar worries forever…

Then you need to act right now.

Make no mistake about it, The Diabetes Fix is about getting your life back…

And doing it in a completely natural way that is side effect free, easy to follow, and easy on your body.

Today, you have a very REAL chance to permanently beat your diabetes…

While returning to the life of freedom and happiness you’ve been missing for far too long.

And of course, that’s not to say that there aren’t other options out there…

Pills, injections, and other drugs…

Those things absolutely DO help with blood sugar issues in the short-term…

And I want to be clear that you shouldn’t stop taking any medication without first consulting with your doctor either.

And yet, be all that as it may…

It’s also pretty obvious that all the diabetes drugs out there are nothing but a Band Aid approach…

And they do NOTHING to address the root cause of your high blood sugar…

Which is being over your personal fat threshold…

Along with the buildup of amyloids and other toxins in your pancreas.

Address those two root causes, and your blood sugar goes down…

The science is clear on this…

And yet, while drugs, medications, and all those doctor visits are probably costing you $1,200 per year or more…

More than $12,000 in the coming decade…

The Diabetes Fix costs less than a
single movie ticket.

I’m serious, and I know that’s probably shocking to hear…

So let me explain…

You see, even though me and my team have often charged $197 or more for many of our breakthrough programs in the past…

The truth is, when it comes to high blood sugar and reversing diabetes…

I just simply don’t see how anyone can be trying to make a huge profit of people’s suffering.

It just doesn’t seem right to me…

And that’s why…

Even though it is 100% true that anyone who follows The Diabetes Fix will lower their blood sugar, lose several pounds of fat, and feel dramatically better from head-to-toe…

Instead of asking people to invest $197, or even $97 for this breakthrough program…

My team has set the price at $45.

That is a BARGAIN…

It’s less than the co-pay on most medications…

And yet it gives you everything you need to regain 10…20…even 30 years of your life.

WAIT! You Qualify For The

70% "Reclaim My Health" Discount...

(Applying Now)

“Reclaim My Health” 70% Discount!

Act fast! Your discount expires
when the timer runs out…


For a Very Limited Time, You Can Receive

But while $45 is already an incredibly fair price…

Like I said before, this really isn’t about money for me or my partner Catherine…

It’s about helping as many people as possible to become FREE from the shackles of high blood sugar – starting as soon as tomorrow…

Which is why for the next few days only…

I’ve slashing the investment in The Diabetes Fix even more dramatically…

So that you can get your hands on the entire system…

  • The easy-to-follow guide…
  • The recipes and eating plans…
  • The breakdowns of supplements…
  • The lists of super spices…
  • And EVERYTHING else…

For just $45 $15.

That’s less than the cost of a movie ticket in most places…

And yet, for this tiny investment…

You will immediately be gaining a proven, easy-to-follow system that truly works…

And that can have you living a life without Type 2 Diabetes within just a few short weeks of today.

Your 70% Discount Expires In…


So go ahead and secure your discounted copy of The Diabetes Fix right now by clicking the button you see below.

The moment you select one of those options you’ll go to our safe, secure, and encrypted checkout page…

Where you’ll just enter your order details and finish up your purchase.

And then, the moment that you’ve placed your order…

You’ll get instant digital access to The Diabetes Fix…

Which means that in less than 5 minutes from now…

You could already be going through the system and staring on a pathway to a life without diabetes.

Now this should have you feeling really excited…

And hopefully you’ve already clicked that button and you aren’t even reading this next part…

But if you are, that’s cool too…

Because I’ve got even more good stuff for me to share with you today.

First of all…

I want you to know that The Diabetes Fix comes with a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…

And it works like this:

100% Money Back Guarantee

Even though I’ve dramatically cut the price of The Diabetes Fix, so I can get it into as many folks’ hands as possible…

I also know that you’ve probably seen other guides and products on the web before…

And maybe, for a lot of those products, your experience wasn’t all that great.

It can suck to feel let down – I totally get it…

But I promise you, The Diabetes Fix is DIFFERENT.

The reason why is because everything I’ve been sharing with you today…

And everything you get inside this breakthrough program…

Is based on what is honestly pretty simple nutrition and science.

When you change the way you eat…

And when you support the health of your pancreas with a superfood rich diet…

It’s virtually impossible not to lose weight and have your blood sugar levels fall.

That’s exactly what The Diabetes Fix shows you how to do…

Which is why I know this program will work for you…

Just like it has for 47,012 other folks from around the world.

And yet even though that’s all true…

And even though I’ve already slashed the investment in The Diabetes Fix to just $15…

When you do say YES to The Diabetes Fix right now…

You’ll have a full 60 days to try it out for yourself.

Go through the simple steps, the recipes, the guides, and everything else…

Really use The Diabetes Fix

And if you’re not IN LOVE with what my partner Catherine and I have created…

We’ll refund your $15 back with no questions asked.

So with that being said…

Your 70% Discount Expires In…


Go Ahead and Get The Diabetes Fix Right Now by Clicking The Button You See Below (While It’s Just $15).

**Important Note: You can FEEL GOOD about your order today as a charitable donation is being made to support a healthier food supply and environmental protection of soils, grasslands, and climate change.

Here’s what you’re supporting with your order today: A portion of your order is being donated to the Savory Institute to help rebuild soils and grasslands around the world, while also improving the nutritional quality of our food supply by improving the way that animals are grazed. The Savory Institute is teaching farmers around the world how to improve their farming methods in a way that takes CO2 out of the atmosphere and puts it into soils, thereby helping to fight climate change, all while raising healthier grass-fed meats to help feed the world a higher quality diet! Thank you for your order and your help!

There’s no subscription and no surprises…

Just $15 to get your hands on a proven approach to ending high blood sugar and Type II diabetes forever…

And all you’ve got to do is take action right now by clicking the order button you see on this page.

This is the time to act though…

Because we’ve reached the end of this letter, and ultimately the choice is yours.

The way I see it…

You’ve really got three options:

Your first option is to ignore everything you’ve just read.

It pains me to think that anyone would do this, but I know some people will.

Taking this path means continuing to be a slave to pills and insulin injections…

To continue feeling confused about what you can and can’t eat…

To continue struggling with your weight, your cravings, the mood swings…

And to continue worrying every time your limbs tingle, or you wake up again to go pee…

Because you can’t help but realize that your Type II diabetes is only getting worse…

And that the Toxic Butterfly Effect you learned about today is only getting worse and worse inside your body…

Inflaming you from the inside-out, damaging your heart, your kidneys, your eyes, your sexual organs, and more.

I’m not trying to scare you, but there’s a reason why Type II Diabetes is such a scary disease…

And when you choose the first option and do nothing…

It means resigning yourself to the fact that the average diabetic dies more than 10 years earlier than a non-diabetic.

I don’t know about you…

But to me, that’s a scary future…

And I just really pray that this is not the choice you make.

Now, this brings us to your section option…

Which is to try and lose weight and lower your blood sugar all on your own.

Truthfully, if you think you can pull it off than you should go for it…

And I’ll be here cheering you on.

I’m serious…

That’s my whole goal – to help people beat their Type II diabetes…

So if you don’t need my help, that’s fantastic.

I will say this though…

While I’d love it if everyone were able to just conquer their personal fat threshold and heal their sick pancreas on their own…

I also know that if you’re still here reading this letter…

It probably means that despite your best intentions…

And even though you have truly tried to get the upper hand on your weight and your blood sugar in the past…

It just hasn’t been going all that well, or you wouldn’t be here.

Is that a fair statement?

If it is, then I think you’ll agree that this second option really isn’t the best move either…

And this brings us to Option #3…

Which is to try The Diabetes Fix for the next 60 Days 100% risk free…

And to let the diabetes reversing superfoods, and the step-by-step system you get inside do all the work for you…

Helping you to quickly, naturally, and easily REVERSE your Type-2 Diabetes or pre-diabetes conditions…

And to do it for about half the price of a month’s worth of glucometer test strips.

That’s a pretty compelling choice if you ask me…

In less than 5 minutes from now, you could already be inside The Diabetes Fix and changing your life…

And because this program was designed to work FAST…

I want you to really imagine what the future could look like for you.

In the next 8 weeks or less, I want you to imagine:

  • The peace of mind, knowing you’ve escaped the dreaded diabetes “death sentence”…
  • The confidence going into your doctor’s office, knowing that your numbers are normal…
  • The sigh of relief as you throw the glucometer, test strips and lancets in the trash…
  • The joy knowing you can eat what you want, as long as you’re letting the diabetes-reversing superfoods do their job…
  • How good you think and feel as you go about your day…

It’s up to you…

But with The Diabetes Fix, we’ve made reversing your Type 2 Diabetes as easy as humanly possible.

All you’ve got to do is say “yes” today…

And I know you will witness an incredible transformation in your life.

So this third option, that’s the choice I’d personally recommend…

Because otherwise, it’s just back to:

  • Pricking your fingers…
  • Painful injections and expensive needles…
  • Worrying about all of the long-term diabetes complications…
  • Feeling anxious about an uncertain future and an early death…
  • Being overwhelmed having to constantly manage your diabetes…
  • And dealing with the “side effects” of multiple medications, more-and-more trips to your doctor’s office, and the Toxic Butterfly Effect causing ever increasing damage inside your body.

All these concerns become history with The Diabetes Fix.

So why wait?

Go ahead and let’s get started now…

And get on the path to reversing your diabetes in just a few short weeks.

You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose here…

And yet, making this one action today could give you decades of healthy, happy, worry free life…

Saving you money as you do it…

Helping you drop several nagging pounds…

And radically improving every single aspect of how you feel.

Ultimately, the choice is yours…

But I know you’ll make the smart decision here…

By trying out The Diabetes Fix today risk-free, and for just $45 $15.

Go Ahead and Get The Diabetes Fix Right Now by Clicking The Button You See Below (While It’s Just $15).

**Important Note: You can FEEL GOOD about your order today as a charitable donation is being made to support a healthier food supply and environmental protection of soils, grasslands, and climate change.

Here’s what you’re supporting with your order today: A portion of your order is being donated to the Savory Institute to help rebuild soils and grasslands around the world, while also improving the nutritional quality of our food supply by improving the way that animals are grazed. The Savory Institute is teaching farmers around the world how to improve their farming methods in a way that takes CO2 out of the atmosphere and puts it into soils, thereby helping to fight climate change, all while raising healthier grass-fed meats to help feed the world a higher quality diet! Thank you for your order and your help!

Thank you so much for reading,

– Mike Geary & Catherine Ebeling

Mike Geary and
Catherine Ebeling, RN, BSN

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is It Really Possible to Reverse Type II Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes?


This isn’t some pipe dream…

It’s actually more like an inconvenient secret that many in the medical and scientific community don’t want you thinking about…

Especially since there’s way more money in treating diabetes than actually reversing it.

You just need to promote pancreative health and target the build-up of amyloids…

And you can reverse your Type II diabetes as a result.

The good news is that The Diabetes Fix shows you exactly how to do these things…

Which is why the people who get inside this breakthrough program, and follow the simple, step-by-step system inside see such tremendous results.

2. How Long Will It Take For The Program To Work?

Every person is different…

But if you really commit to following the simple steps I share in Phase I of The Diabetes Fix…

In most cases, you’ll see your blood sugar levels drop below 100 within just 2 weeks.

Then from there, it’s important that you do continue on to Phase II…

Which is actually the part where you can reintroduce many yummy snacks and meals that you might have thought were “off limits.”

We like to say that Phase II lasts 6 weeks…

And that’s a fair statement because, if you follow it, you’ll almost certainly be free of the vast majority of the symptoms of your Type II diabetes or pre-diabetes…

Plus, you might even be diabetes free entirely.

Even after the first 8 weeks with this program however…

I do want you to continue committing to your new lifestyle and this simple, delicious, and easy way of “eating differently”…

And fortunately, I don’t think you’ll have much trouble doing that…

Especially once you realize how amazing you feel, how much more energy you have, how your cravings have vanished, how your sex drive is through the roof, and so much more.

3. What is that Toxic Butterfly Effect you mentioned before

The Toxic Butterfly Effect is a term I use to describe how a seemingly “small” thing like having high blood sugar can lead to such disastrous results.

Over time, having lots of sugar in your blood inflames and damages your vessels, your organs, your skin, and pretty much everything else.

It also leads to massive amounts of free radicals…

Deprives your cells, tissues, and organs of oxygen…

And often ultimately results in heart disease, Alzheimer’s, amputations, and even cancer.

It’s scary stuff…

But the good news is that when you simply go back under your personal fat threshold…and help eliminate dangerous amyloids from your diet…

You’ll quickly see that your blood sugar levels are going down…

While your body’s natural insulin production is being restored.

4. What’s Included With The Diabetes Fix Again?
Inside The Diabetes Fix you get it all:

  • The easy-to-follow guide…
  • The recipes and eating plans…
  • The breakdowns of supplements…
  • The lists of super spices…
  • And EVERYTHING else…

For just $45 $15.

That’s less than the cost of a movie ticket in most places…

And yet this can change the trajectory of your life, and your health, forever.

At its core, The Diabetes Fix is simply a new, better way of eating…

Something that takes the best parts of the Paleo Diet, the Keto Diet, and the Carnivore Diet…

And puts them together into an effective, easy-to-stick-with system for eating your way to lower blood sugar.

There’s no restring calories or fasting…

You’ll actually eat MORE yummy proteins and fats…

And as I’ve been mentioning on this page…

As you go through The Diabetes Fix you’re even able to enjoy the occasional bowl of ice cream…

Along with whole grains and other yummy complex carbs.

What you won’t get, however, is a bunch of the processed junk out there that’s loaded with hidden sugars…

And that’s important – because it’s those sneakily unhealthy foods that are causing a lot of your weight gain and blood sugar issues in the first place.

5. Is There A Guarantee?


The Diabetes Fix comes with a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

So even though I’ve already slashed the price of this program $197…

All the way to just $15…

If you’re not THRILLED with The Diabetes Fix for any reason…

Just email me and my team at any point during the next 60 Days…

And we’ll immediately refund your $15 with no questions asked.

There’s no headaches and no hassles…

Either you use this program and it changes your life…

Or you don’t pay a dime.


6. How Do I Order?

That part’s easy!

Just click the button you see below…

Then complete your order using our safe, secure, and encrypted checkout page…

And then you’ll get IMMEDIATE access to your digital copy of The Diabetes Fix.

That means in less than 2 minutes from now…

You could already be on your journey to reversing your Type II diabetes forever.

Your 70% Discount Expires In…


Go Ahead and Get The Diabetes Fix Right Now by Clicking The Button You See Below (While It’s Just $15).

**Important Note: You can FEEL GOOD about your order today as a charitable donation is being made to support a healthier food supply and environmental protection of soils, grasslands, and climate change.

Here’s what you’re supporting with your order today: A portion of your order is being donated to the Savory Institute to help rebuild soils and grasslands around the world, while also improving the nutritional quality of our food supply by improving the way that animals are grazed. The Savory Institute is teaching farmers around the world how to improve their farming methods in a way that takes CO2 out of the atmosphere and puts it into soils, thereby helping to fight climate change, all while raising healthier grass-fed meats to help feed the world a higher quality diet! Thank you for your order and your help!

1 https://spectrum.diabetesjournals.org/content/27/4/276

2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3985543/

3 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/diabetes/diabetes-and-heart-disease

4 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17924864/

5 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/in-depth/insulin-and-weight-gain/art-20047836

6 https://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/39/5/808

7 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6399621/

8 http://journal.diabetes.org/diabetesspectrum/00v13n1/pg48.htm#:~:text=Aspects%20of%20life%20with%20diabetes,or%20the%20reality%20of%20complication